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  1. L

    What is/are your weekend workout(s)?

    Good luck tomorrow Wendy! I just got done with Circuit Max. I haven't done this one in years so it was fresh and "new" to me. I'm just waiting for the sweat to dry before I jump in the shower. Tomorrow is my off day, but I think I'll make an attempt to learn some of the cardio in LIS and...
  2. L

    Squeeze may need a warning label

    OMG! Every time I do Squeeze I can't walk the next day. I know these workouts are great for my pear-shaped lower body, but the dread factor on these is so high (because of the DOMS) that I rarely do them!
  3. L

    4-Day Split - My First Impression

    If you're having a problem with choreo I'd do Boot Camp or Kickbox first. Since they're only 30 min. you may have some energy left to try the first combo of HIS or LIS. This way you won't waste a cardio day trying to get the moves. Just a thought. Take it or leave it!:-)
  4. L

    4-Day Split - My First Impression

    Of all of her workouts the last two series, this one and the "Drill Max" series have been my favorite, so far. I love everything about the 4-Day Split. The music, the choreo, the weight work, the production. There's so much variety and the premixes are fabulous! I don't usually gush over...
  5. L

    Could someone comment on the new Kickboxing.....

    Speaking of the crazy jab, cross, jab, hook, uppercut move. I almost gave myself a bloody nose doing it this morning! Doing an upper cut I punched myself real hard in the nose. Did I feel like an idiot! I was just glad DH wasn't home to see it!
  6. L


    Yep! That's a different guy. The only husband in any of Cathe workouts is Jai's husband in Bootcamp. The reason why I mention it is because someone else thought Lorraine's husband was in BC, but he's not.
  7. L


    I think if you did any Cathe cardios a few days a week you'd lose fat. I don't know about doing kickboxing workouts all the time though. You'd have better results mixing them in with the DVD's you are about to get. I take it you preordered her new series. As far as the guys. In Cathe's...
  8. L

    How do the new workouts Compare??

    On preview, Boot Camp is a lot like DM and maybe a little harder because the cardio is non-stop, with little rest. There's a Boot Camp circuit workout that is probably similiar to DM. I don't think any of them compare to IMAX 3 though, because these cardios are so much shorter, and the step...
  9. L

    Wow! Morgorie Newlin 86-year-old grandma still pumping

    Whatever. I just think she looks amazing for 86!
  10. L

    How will you use the new series?

    Now that I've previewed them I'm plannning on separating my cardio days from my weight days. The weight work looks pretty thorough and the heavy poundage will be more effective if I have the energy to give it my all, which wouldn't happen if I did the cardio first. There's tons of premix...
  11. L

    4 Day Split premix question

    Yes, there's a weights first premix on all the workouts. There's also circuit premixes where you do cardio, then weights then back to cardio. There's also premixes that include cardio from both Boot Camp and Kickboxing, as well as premixes that combine the other two workouts. There's...
  12. L

    Reviews of music on new series?

    Well, IMO, I like the music in this series much better than the last one because I didn't like the Top 40 she used in the last series, and it was quite loud to boot! The music on both discs is techno stuff I haven't heard before. I think you'll like it, but it's not like her last series.
  13. L

    Just did Boot Camp/Bi & Tri workout!!!

    Did you have any difficulty doing the drill where she puts her hands on the step and butt kicks over it? That move looks awkward to me. I can't wait to try this one, but it's a weight day for me so I'm going to do one of the premixes instead.
  14. L

    I got it!

    No gift. I'm going to do the Kickboxing workout tomorrow and will let you know how it is. I previewed Boot Camp today. Looks similiar to Drill Max only with shorter recoveries. I think I'm going to love it. The premixes are awesome. There's something for everyone. I think the weights...
  15. L

    In-depth review of BBC Arms/Abs/TM Cardio

    I just picked my workout for tonight! I forgot about Joey. DH is away for the week and I couldn't think of a better person to spend my evening with!;-)
  16. L

    I got it!

    I got mine too. I live in CT and ordered the first day. I'm going to preview and soon as I get my soup on. BTW, it's in a very thin case.
  17. L

    Should I buy Hardcore Extreme?

    Do you have the Terminator DVD? IMO, that's her best compliation. My Hardcore Extreme is still in it's shrink wrap because I haven't done many of her Hardcore workouts and I'm not a fan of IMAX 3. If you don't have the Terminator, I highly recommend it!
  18. L

    Thoughts on Boot Camp?

    Good choice! I love Bootcamp! For some reason the time flies when I do it. I wish she put out a BC 2 because this workout is a classic.
  19. L

    How will you use the new series?

    I'll have to try each one before deciding. For cardio lately I've been doing a lot of walking and HIIT. If I like them enough to attempt a rotation, I'll probably end up doing them as suggested by Cathe. I'm sure her November rotation will be centered around them.
  20. L

    Jari Love videos

    I like her workouts, but they're not everyone's cup of tea and quite a few people have gotten rid of them. Lately I've been doing an altered version of Ripped 1000, since I find all the lower body work can bug my knees, and she's constantly squatting through the compound work! I must say, her...