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  1. S

    Anyone with the Body for Life book....

    Oh! I looked again and there is one called "Sparkling Orange". Is that the one? Here is the recipe: 12 oz diet orange soda 6 oz light fat free orange flavored yogurt 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 orange, peeled 6 ice cubes :-)
  2. S

    Anyone with the Body for Life book....

    Hi There! I gave away my BFL book, but I have the Eating for Life book. I see it has the recipe for the Chocolate Mint: Chocolate Mint Nutrition Shake: 12 oz cold water 1 packet Myoplex Lite Chocolate 1/8 tsp peppermint extract 6 ice cubes I don't see the others you mentioned...
  3. S

    Exercise Rooms

    Ok...I have a motto for this thread..."Whatever It Takes!" You gotta do what you gotta do to get that workout in, no matter where you are or what you have to work with. Do the best you can! For years I worked out in my living room of my small apartment too. Every night I would actually...
  4. S

    Exercise Rooms

    I consider myself very fortunate too! I have a spare room that is used almost exclusively as my workout room. It doubles as a guest room, but we have overnight guests so infrequently that it's not an issue. I have to agree with the above post...a room is not enough to provide the motivation...
  5. S

    coupon codes?

    Sorry I don't have one for US Bodyware, but I just got one from Kelly's Running Warehouse for $15 off any purchase over $100. Web-Code is CWD-05316. I've never ordered from them before because I usually go to Road Runner Sports as they are a local company for me. If I get any more I'll let...
  6. S

    Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5

    Hi Everyone and Thanks for the Welcome wishes! This morning was my walk/run. I'm in week one of following The Women's Book of Running's guide to starting a running program, and mixing that up with Cathe workouts. I took my puppy with me and she was feeling especially energetic, which would...
  7. S

    Summer Fitness Challenge 2/27-3/5

    Do you have room for one more? I would really love to join you guys! I have some lofty goals myself - lots of weight still to lose and much fitness to be gained! I joined Weight Watchers about a month ago and have lost 8 pounds so far, so at least that's a start. Cleaning up my diet is...
  8. S

    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in, Wed. March 2

    Good Morning All! Today is Body Fusion + Abs B: egg beaters, onion, bell pepper, turkey bacon on whole wheat tortilla S: protein shake with half banana L: nonfat vanilla yogurt, blueberries, ground flax seeds S: cottage cheese, apple D: mixed green salad, grilled chicken breast, lite...
  9. S

    Healthy Eating/BFL Check-in, Tuesday, March 1st

    Hi All!! I didn't check in yesterday because I was WAY too embarrassed to tell you what I ate! PMSing right now, so the past two days were a disaster, but I managed to get my workout in, so it wasn't a complete loss!! Back on track today though...Yippee!! This morning: Walk/Run and...
  10. S

    In search of the perfect workout shoe....

    Yes, Lois, I had the same problem you did trying to find the Freddy's. Plus, since US Bodyware has them all on closeout, you can only do an exchange (no refund) if they don't work. :-( Hope you do well with the Ryka's! :-) Nicole