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  1. libra01971

    Happy Birthday Shelley (allwildgirl)!

    Shelley - Have a great birthday!!! You deserve it!:+
  2. libra01971


    Another late one here .... Happy Belated B-day, TerryMia! Hope you had a good one! :-) :-)
  3. libra01971

    Found a great new workout song....

    "My husband thinks I'm nuts....but my workout music has to be LOUD and HEAVY." Donna - that's exactly how I feel! I think it helps me run faster and gives me more energy!:-) }(
  4. libra01971

    Found a great new workout song....

    Donna - Don't know if you're a Pantera fan, but for me Damageplan's single of "Breathing New Life" is a wonderfully motivating uphill song for me. (as far as running) Just a suggestion. It REALLY gets me going when I feel like I have no energy.:-)
  5. libra01971

    Found a great new workout song....

    I LOVE Korn! Which is their new single?
  6. libra01971

    Happy B-Day Gorgeous J-doll!

    Have a great day, Jes!
  7. libra01971

    CHRISTI23!!! Congratulations!

    OMG, Christi! That's wonderful! We're all so proud of you!:-) :-) :-)
  8. libra01971

    American Idol

    I'm so glad Kevin's gone, too! I thought we were going to have to put up with him a lot longer because of the vote for the worst people. Yay!
  9. libra01971

    The "I think we need more check-ins" Check-In

    RE: The Is this the pull-up check-in? Just checking.
  10. libra01971

    25 more days....

    I'm so proud of you, Shelley! So in 25 days, will you have a cookie fest!?!?!
  11. libra01971

    Workout Mishaps :o

    Owww! I've had many close calls like that one. Is your knee okay now?
  12. libra01971

    Cathe's male counterpart? :o :o :o :o
  13. libra01971

    Workout Mishaps :o

    Yesterday I dropped one side of the barbell on my right leg/quads. Fortunately, I caught part of it with my hand but it still hurt a bit. Lucky for me, there's no pain or bruising today but I wasn't able to squat or lunge very low while doing GS Legs yesterday.
  14. libra01971

    <--- I don't wanna fall to pieces

    <--hasn't been here in a while and decided to "check-in" <--understands Tammy for not wanting to be stuck at school play for 3 hours! <--ds had school play last week that was only 45 minutes!:D <--thinks Wendy got a DEAL on the $25 running shoes <--hopes Shelley and Sophie have fun at the...
  15. libra01971

    Morning laughter

    That was hilarious!!:D Thanks, Haydee!
  16. libra01971

    OMG I PASSED!!!!!!

    Yay! Congrats, Amy!
  17. libra01971

    American Idol

    I have a huge crush on Chris! I also like Ace, Taylor, and Elliott. I agree with most here that Kevin and Will need to go. I think they are on a whole different (lower) level than the others. Kelly annoys me. I think her performance the other night was awful. She shouldn't be making it...
  18. libra01971

    Wouldn't mind a hug right about now. :(

    Awww...wish I could give you one in person but since that's not possible - ((((((((HUGS))))))));) :-) :-) :-)
  19. libra01971

    Fave Fitness/Figure Model

    >Libra01971: I'm a libra too. I might just have to move to >Texas (is that where you and Monica are?) if she opens a gym! Hi! Yes, I heard she moved to Austin and will be opening a gym soon. Come on down! There's also a nice group of Texas women who are into Cathe so you'd be in good...
  20. libra01971

    Fave Fitness/Figure Model

    Mine is definitely Monica Brant-Peckham! She looks amazing and I also can't believe she isn't placing #1 in every competition she enters! She resides in the same city as I do, now and I hear she will be opening a gym here soon. She will also be doing a book signing soon and I plan to go and...