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  1. libra01971

    3 things about YOU

    1. I can't whistle. 2. I eat chicken in some form daily. :9 3. I teach a Boot Camp class during the week.
  2. libra01971

    Anyone else concerned w/wacky winter weather?

    Toni - we got snow here in Austin today and are expecting more this afternoon and overnight. Maybe it will get to you soon. :-) Be safe!!
  3. libra01971

    Protein powder help

    I ordered it online. I can't remember where exactly. I would recommend doing a Froogle search. I have noticed GNC is more expensive than A1 or
  4. libra01971

    Anyone else concerned w/wacky winter weather?

    I'm in Central Tx which doesn't typically get much of a "winter". However, we are expecting snow and/or sleet tomorrow. The schools have already decided to close. Texans don't know how to drive in this type of weather! :o
  5. libra01971


    I tried it and didn't see any physical changes but did see weight gain. :(
  6. libra01971


    I do HATE push ups. However, I do love that they get my HR up. I love burning as many calories as possible in a short amount of time which is usually from cardio.
  7. libra01971

    Bob Greene

    I saw the show but didn't really hear anything new. I am interested in his products, though. They kept mentioning yogurt, though, and it sounded like the kind that has a lot of sugar. I try to avoid flavored yogurt and other products with too much sugar in it but will still check into his...
  8. libra01971

    What's your favorite family vacation

    Ours is pretty simple b/c it's close but it's Port Aransas, TX. We stay in condos called the Dunes and we all love the beach and the condos. It's only about a 3-4 hour drive from us but it's a tradition for us every year on my bday and my son's bday, which are back-to-back. (sept 30-Oct 1)
  9. libra01971

    Protein powder help

    I have used the Cinnamon Roll powder, too, in my oatmeal and it blends just fine.
  10. libra01971

    Strong evidence that Santa is a Woman!

    Cute!:D :D :D
  11. libra01971

    Things I DO get and really love....

    *ds hugging me and telling me I'm the best mom in the world ;) *the way dh can always make me laugh *hot chocolate *a glass of wine *the feeling after a good workout *losing a few pounds without trying :7 *chocolate! *running as the sun rises :-)
  12. libra01971

    Are you going to replace your new DVD's....?

    I will need all of mine replaced. Every single one of them has a freeze that I have to FF through to continue. :( I'm not worried at this point. Just waiting patiently to hear when the replacements will be available. I had an issue with one DVD in the past and SNM took care of it promptly.
  13. libra01971

    Cathe's Free Gift

    I'd be happy with any of those!:D
  14. libra01971

    Happy Birthday, Sabrina (Mckeev5)!!!!!

    Hey Sabrina! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your boys and hubby spoil you all day long!}( }( }(
  15. libra01971

    Is anyone watching Rock Star Supernova

    Hi Beth, I just watched for the first time Tuesday. (this is week 2, right?) I was surprised at how bad a lot of them are. I think Toby will probably make it. They seem really impressed by his performance and his attitude. I think the four that were standing were definitely the worst but...
  16. libra01971

    Fat Grams etc etc

    I watch calories, fat grams, and sugar. In the case of the ranch dressing, I use Kraft Free which I think only has about 2 grams of sugar per serving. I don't think that's much more (if any) than using the regular ranch dressing so I do use the fat-free rather than the full fat dressing...
  17. libra01971

    Power Strike VHS - Should I?

    Yes! They make a VERY good workout! :-)
  18. libra01971


    You drive by a large hill and you think "That'd be a GREAT running workout!" I do that all the time. Dh and I went to San Francisco a few months ago and I was dying to go for a run.
  19. libra01971

    OT: kids and ADHD meds

    Best to you, too, Jen! It's tough but I'm sure you'll make the right decision for your daughter. She is lucky to have a parent who is putting time into deciding what is best for her.
  20. libra01971

    Powerstrike Millineium 1, 2 and 3

    Hi Jane - #1 and #2 are more intense. #3 is okay but I use it for easier days only. I found mine at #1 and 2 are only available on VHS and #3 is on DVD the last time I checked. The quality is not very good but the workout itself is great and VERY INTENSE! They are...