Search results

  1. libra01971

    Do you wear shoes around the house?

    I can not stand to be barefoot. I wear slippers around the house. Dh wears shoes and ds wears his socks. I don't have anything against shoes in our house (and our carpet shows that! x( ) but I'm just more comfortable in slippers.
  2. libra01971

    Are you a phone person?

    I have a reputation for not answering the phone ever. The funny thing is at home when the phone rings, none of us budge. :P I really don't like being on the phone at all. The only time I don't really mind is when I'm at work so I can chat and work at the same time. :-) :-) If anyone wants...
  3. libra01971

    W/O suggestion

    there is a KPC premix that I did once and really liked. I can't remember if it went back and forth from drills to L&G or combos/L&G. If I remember correctly, it was about an hour long, though. Other suggestions - maybe the first BM with the legs and blasts or LIC with cardio and legs only.
  4. libra01971

    American Idol

    >Dear AI gods, please put Haley & Sanjaya (aka Shirley Temple) >out of their misery. Debbie - I was thinking "Please AI gods send them home and put US out of our misery." :P I can't stand Sanjaya and his crinkly nose smile. Ugh! This season does seem boring. I don't feel like I HAVE...
  5. libra01971

    P90X too easy?!

    When I first did p90X years ago, the cardio felt hard. Now when I do the cardio workouts, I don't feel like my HR gets very high at all. I still do them occasionally, though, just because I enjoy the workouts.
  6. libra01971

    Working out alone

    I don't like being around people either. I get nervous thinking and starting wondering if the person next to me is competing with me or thinks I'm trying to compete with them. (I know it's silly!) I worked in a gym for a while as a personal trainer and STILL never felt comfortable working...
  7. libra01971

    Do you consider yourself high maintenance?

    I'm not high maintenance at all. It takes me about a half hour to get ready in the morning. Less if I don't have to wash my hair. I let my hair air-dry, though. I rarely wear make-up on the weekends unless we're going somewhere special. I HATE high heels. I prefer flat shoes or sneakers...
  8. libra01971

    problem with step

    I should have known you'd have a handy way to fix it, Shelley! Thanks! I'll try that. :-)
  9. libra01971

    problem with step

    I've noticed my step has "bubbles" on it. It's not usually a problem but occasionally I will trip over a bubble while doing a workout. I'm not sure how to fix it or why it has happened. I do have the original step. Has this happened to anyone else? (I would guess it's is about 3-5 years...
  10. libra01971

    problem with step

    I've noticed my step has "bubbles" on it. It's not usually a problem but occasionally I will trip over a bubble while doing a workout. I'm not sure how to fix it or why it has happened. I do have the original step. Has this happened to anyone else? (I would guess it's is about 3-5 years...
  11. libra01971

    Eating out: What are we really eating?

    I wish I could say I was never going to eat out again but I'd be lying. :o I think nutritional info would help me be more careful, though. Not that I don't already know what's basically bad (a double burger, for example) but it would help remind me. ;-)
  12. libra01971

    new videos?

    I'm so excited!!! I better start saving now!!! :7
  13. libra01971

    Happy (slightly belated) Birthday KATHRYN!!!

    Happy belated birthday, Kathryn! :-)
  14. libra01971

    anyone have Cardio Fusion?

    Kimenem - the first few times I did Cardio Fusion without the BM2 step portion. It's still intense but now that I've learned the step from BM2 a little better, it's much more fun. CF is one of my favorite workouts as well as BM2. You certainly won't regret ordering BM2. By the way - I...
  15. libra01971

    I finally broke down & bought a HRM

    Laura - it's very addicting! Be careful! ;-) At one point, I would NOT workout if I didn't have my HRM. Anyway, I'm obviously obsessed with mine and record all info after my workouts. I've been surprised, too, about the calories although mine always seem much lower than other people report...
  16. libra01971

    Favorite/Least Favorite Bodypart to Work?

    I hate working biceps. I always feel really weak when it comes to bis and it burns so quickly. Plus the bicep exercises bore me. x( I LOVE working legs. I think part of it is because most of the time my HR stays pretty high when working legs so I feel like I get an extra cardio benefit...
  17. libra01971

    Fitness Certification

    Hi! I am ACE certified. I think that's Cathe's cert. too (although I would guess she has a Group Fitness certification.) Anyway, the ACE test has a reputation for being difficult but with lots of studying, it's certainly passable. I studied for about a year since I have a full time job...
  18. libra01971

    Three Things - Feb. 15/07

    1. I've only got half an hour left of work. 2. My weigh in this morning was decent. 3. The weekend is near and I have no obligations.
  19. libra01971

    Limecat's Tuesday Teaser

    CD's: Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy Beatles - Abbey Road and The White Album Static X - Wisconsin Death Trip PJ Harvey - Rid of me Movies: Grease (my favorite) Fargo Grey's Anatomy Season 1 & 2 DVDs Somethings Gotta Give Workouts: Cardio Fusion Muscle Max Mindy Mylrea's...
  20. libra01971

    PHAT Camp

    OMG, Lisa! Mine is Sept 30, 1971! You're practically my twin! LOL! :) ;-)