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  1. My2girls

    Going to get her wings

    I will keep "your little ray of sunshine" and her family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing.
  2. My2girls

    Wedding cakes too pretty to eat!

    My goodness! :eek: I wonder what one of those cakes costs?!?!?!
  3. My2girls

    Happy Birthday, Ellie!! (elliemom)

    Happy Birthday to you!!!! Have a wonderful day! :)
  4. My2girls

    homeschooling question

    Hi! We homeschool our two DDs. This is really our first year (DD7 1st grade and DD5 Kinder), so I don't have any great advice, other than to say, I Love it and would encourage anyone to give it a try!!!!!! :D I think anyone could handle it; you are the one that knows your child the best, how...
  5. My2girls

    June 2009 Get Ready for Summer Rotation

    Wow! I usually don't do rotations, but this one looks FUN!!! I cannot imagine being bored with it -- ha ha just pooped ;):eek: Thank you Debbie!!!
  6. My2girls

    Update/Dad - Prostate Cancer II

    What a perfect way to look at your father's passing! I am sure you and your family will miss him terribly, but he is so much better off now :)
  7. My2girls


    I wasn't able to do CCPP this time around. I woke up feeling just awful and my throat felt like I was swallowing glass :(:( I will try to get mine done next week when my energy returns. I still really loved reading about how everyone else did and the special-ness of each workout. Way to go...
  8. My2girls


    We had a really bad problem with ants in our house when we moved in two years ago. We had a bug company come in every 3 months for a year or so. They advised pruning trees and bushes near your house as the ants use them as a bridge and ladder to get inside. Ants also love water (I didn't know...
  9. My2girls

    Cardio Coach Press Play Weekend!!!

    boo hoo -- me too!!!! ;) See you in the workout Saturday!!! Big kiss to you! :)
  10. My2girls

    At what age do babies get teeth?

    My first DD didn't get any teeth until after one and my second about 7 months. They are all so different! Don't worry :)
  11. My2girls

    Cardio Coach Press Play Weekend!!!

    Me too; except I walked/jogged it! :D Love it! ** Michele -- I don't know how to quote more than one person, but I see you were with us today doing V1 -- how cool :eek: to imagine we are listening to that same Coach Sean voice in our ears, guiding us in our workouts and encouraging us in our...
  12. My2girls

    Update/Dad - Prostate Cancer

    I am so sorry for you too :( I will say a prayer for the strength to get through this painful time.
  13. My2girls

    Do you have a favorite book?

    Roots, Alex Haley
  14. My2girls

    Cardio Coach Press Play Weekend!!!

    I'm in too!!!! Thanks for the reminder Shannon! :) I will be thinking, praying and biking my heart out for each one of you and/or your loved ones. This cancer stuff is really pissing me off! :mad: :mad: My best friend's mom-in-law is starting chemo tomorrow :( You too Tanya!!!!! Just...
  15. My2girls


    Raw in salads, roasted with olive oil and seasoning, boilled with salt and butter, or even straight out of the can and pickled; my family LOVES beets!!!! They aren't for everyone thougth :(
  16. My2girls

    Paging SRP, My2girls, NinjaMom, & ShyWolf!!!!!

    Tanya, yes, my daughter's hair is growing back, but still only a few inches long. Thankfully, her new part is starting to stick much better and that pretty much hides the short side! I think you are doing very well with your excercise and workouts! I have taken up jogging and did a 5k a few...
  17. My2girls

    Happy Birthday Vilma!!!!

    I'm late to the birthday wishes also, but I do hope your birthday was wonderful Vilma!!!!!
  18. My2girls

    Paging SRP, My2girls, NinjaMom, & ShyWolf!!!!!

    Hurray! Woo Hoo! :D Welcome to Cathe Land Tanya!!! And you do have Cathe dvds -- that is awesome! It has been a loooong time since the CC forums were up. We do have quite a few questions and discussions here at Cathe on Coach Sean and his awesome workouts. He has quite a following here. I...
  19. My2girls

    Feeling Guilty

    ITA! I cannot imagine having a job outside of my home and getting anything done! :eek:
  20. My2girls

    Paging SRP, My2girls, NinjaMom, & ShyWolf!!!!!

    Ha, ha that is what would happen at my house too (expect no dog poop, just cats' !!)