Search results

  1. My2girls

    i want a pressure cooker

    I am not exactly sure if you are asking b/c you want to buy one?? :confused: I have a 5L pressure cooker and it is one of my most beloved cooking items. I can easily cook 2-3 cups of dried beans (kidney, black, navy etc...) in it. Just add some oil to help with any foaming. You will not need...
  2. My2girls

    Looking for input- Mirena expereince

    Had mine for the full five years and NOT ONE negative about it!!! It was by far the best form of birth control I have ever used :) I would have gotten another in a second except we opted for a more permanent method. Cost wise, if you figure other forms, this is cheaper! I had zero periods after...
  3. My2girls

    So where are YOU located? :)

    A small town in Western Oregon!
  4. My2girls

    CCPP Saturday RESULTS!

    WTG everyone!! I love reading about all your workouts each month! :) I did mine this morning and got to the 4th challenge when my bike chain fell off, so my DH had to come get his hands dirty and put it back on! So nice of him ;) I added the first challenge as my bonus (so V7C2 I'm pretty sure...
  5. My2girls

    What Are You Digging Right Now?

    Oh that sounds delish! Tomatoes here just are not quite vine-ripened! And I just found a recipe for tomatoe pie -- I cannot wait! :D
  6. My2girls

    101 Simple Salads

    We love salads in our house and eat them almost every day! Thank you for so many great ideas to try :D yummy!
  7. My2girls

    What Are You Digging Right Now?

    Since you mentioned lip balm... I am so addicted to my Nivea lip balm, I just keep putting it on and on!!!!! It is so smooth and feels wonderful :p I also cannot get enough guacamole! Avocado, lots of lime juice and garlic salt -- heaven on any and everything!!!! :D:D
  8. My2girls

    CCPP Saturday

    I can never keep all the challenges straight, but I did mean that challenge (V7C2). I will just add it at the end -- and do it twice! :p Thanks Shelley!
  9. My2girls

    CCPP Saturday

    I'm in! How about C2 from V7 for the extra challenge!!! :eek::D Or...another pick your own!! I think I'll aim for the V7C2 for mine.
  10. My2girls

    HOT PICS THREAD post your hot pics here!

    This is one of the greatest threads ever on Cathe!!! :p:p:p You ladies are the greatest!!!!! :D I wish I could post my DH, b/c he is a hottie too!!! ;)
  11. My2girls

    Got My First Statement for the Rabies Shots!

    Good idea! I hope they can give you a big discount!!! I am very sorry you have to pay so much even with insurance. We finally got rid of our insurance b/c it was a joke to have such a high deductable (2x yours!) in order to afford the monthly payment. Who has that kind of money! :confused:
  12. My2girls

    Did my first CC tonight. Thank you to all the enablers!!

    Come and join us Nancy!!!! :) Cardio Coach Land is calling!!! :p
  13. My2girls

    I'm scared! Surgery coming.

    Wanted to wish you the best for your recovery! Take what others say about their experiences with a grain of salt. Your experience will be different because YOU are different :)
  14. My2girls

    is coffee bad for you?

    Love my coffee! I think it would be bad for you if you stopped drinking it!!! :p
  15. My2girls

    Did my first CC tonight. Thank you to all the enablers!!

    Hurray! There can never be enough CC converts and lovers -- ever :);) Just so you all know there is a Cardio Coach Forum, a special place to gush endlessly about CC and Coach Sean!!!! :D:p
  16. My2girls

    No more heavy leg work for me....duh!

    Very interesting! I have Leaner Legs on tap for this morning and might just go lighter than normal and start adding in more circuits! But I am really starting to get good results with my heavy upper body! :confused: What to do? Can I still do circuits while lifting heavy on upper body? Anyone?
  17. My2girls

    Gardners with green thumbs....question for you please

    I have a small area for my garden and have raised beds, so last year I had to encourage my watermelon to spread all around itself and it did great! This year my DH (bless him!) built some simple trellis's for my zucchini to grow up and it is working wonderfully -- not to mention it looks great...
  18. My2girls

    Husband Caves - Got All 8 CC!!!!!

    That is wonderful! Now you have so many awesome workouts in front of you! :D
  19. My2girls

    Pause for pie!

    Oh drats! I guess that ends the beginnings of a wonderful pie relationship! ;):p Have a great day!!
  20. My2girls

    Pause for pie!

    Alrighty... where do you live!!???:D:D:D West coast!!!?!?!?!?