Search results

  1. My2girls

    Am I the only one having a yucky weekend?

    I am glad to hear your DS knew he might need to talk about it. I think I would have the same problem as you, just replaying the picture in my head. I cannot imagine leaving a dead body up for 3 hours :mad::mad: That is insane! So sorry for you and DS :(
  2. My2girls

    Am I the only one having a yucky weekend?

    OMG! :( Did you DS see him? I cannot even imagine!
  3. My2girls

    Clean Chili receipe

    Here is the recipe from our favorite chili. You can add meat if you want, but it is sooo awesome without!!! :p
  4. My2girls

    CCPP results!

    Christine, That looks so hard!! I could never balance like that :eek::eek:
  5. My2girls

    CCPP results!

    Tanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! Way to Go!!!!!!! I am soooo happy for you that you did the whole CCPP!!!!!! :eek::D:p:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I am doing the happy dance with you and for you!! Great job!!!
  6. My2girls

    CCPP results!

    I thought I posted already, but it wasn't showing up, so I really hope I don't have a duplicate post :o Great job Nan!!! Enjoy your wine tonight :D I just finished my PP workout and felt tired up until C4 and got my second (or first!) wind. For the first time I did NOT add a bonus challenge...
  7. My2girls

    Another shopping thread

    I think the first dress is beautiful and a deep red would be spectacular!! I just don't care for the strapless (or half strapless) look. :)
  8. My2girls

    CCPP Saturday, 8/29!!!

    I'm in! :D I hope you all have an awesome, kick-butt workout!
  9. My2girls

    Starting a new chapter..... HELP

    My vote is for eating bon bons!!! :p Take it easy for a while and see what happens.
  10. My2girls

    Can someone help me get started w Cardio Coach

    I just wanted to pop over and strongly encourage anyone who does not have all the Cardio Coach Volumes to zoom over to Sean's website and get THEM ALL!!!! :eek::eek::p This is one purchase you will never regret!! ;) Taterkc -- Please let us know what you think of your first CC workout!!!
  11. My2girls

    Why Does my House Never Seem Clean?!

    My house isn't the cleanest most of the time, but I do like to have it cleared (counters, desk, couch, floor) and cleaned through out the week, otherwise I would go wacky!! :o We have a small house and two cats and two little girls, plus people coming over all the time who have 4+ children that...
  12. My2girls

    Spinning Workouts

    I just wanted to jump in here and add the 4th Cardio Coach recommendation :D I don't have a spin bike, but I do use CC on my bike in a trainer. Love 'em :D:D
  13. My2girls

    My 1st mammogram...

    Clare, I am very small also and mine really didn't hurt. I'm sorry yours do! We are all so different I guess :)
  14. My2girls

    Gym Style Chest & Tris

    I love the Gym Styles too and am doing them again after a month or so break! Just did back yesterday and shoulders and biceps today (I just cannot do all three in one morning :confused:) Great job!
  15. My2girls

    My 1st mammogram...

    Please don't worry!!! It really isn't all that bad. The techs are very professional. Good luck :)
  16. My2girls


    You must be over the top happy today!!! Congratulations :D:D
  17. My2girls

    What's for Dinner Tonight?

    Using my leftover lentils from last night's dinner and lunch today to make Lentil-Walnut Burgers! :p:p Super yummy!!! And will grill some peppers and zucchini and green salad to go with it.
  18. My2girls

    i want a pressure cooker

    Mine is the 5L duromatic and I agree -- top of the line! :) Very easy to use!!!
  19. My2girls

    So where are YOU located? :)

    Carola, My DDs and I checked the weather in Phoenix today (my brother lives there too) and we are just happy with our 101 today!!! :eek::eek: How do you do it?!?!?!?!
  20. My2girls


    Never heard of her before, but she looks (to me) like a normal person. Normal as in, not freakishly tanned and thin and manly!!! :eek: I like a well-toned-athletic-normal-looking woman! :) She is cute too!!! Like a fun friend!