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  1. My2girls

    CCPP Saturday, 9/26/09

    Hi Judi! I think your manual labor would count, especially if you do those pushups :p We miss you too at CC-land and you should stop by sometime!! I'm in this Saturday!!!! I cannot believe Sept. is coming to a close either :confused: I do welcome the cooler Autumn weather though. I will be...
  2. My2girls

    vegetable leather

    I just wanted to say I thought your thread was going to have a recipe for something like fruit leather but using veggies and I was sooo excited!!!! Sorry :o I've never heard of shoes made out of vegetables? :confused:
  3. My2girls

    I'm getting LASIK today!

    I want to get this done soooo bad! I am so sick and tired of glasses and worrying about them getting lost or broken. My DH wanted me to get it done about 3 y/o after we sold our house and made a little money on the sale, but I was too chicken and now I could just kick myself :mad::(. Please...
  4. My2girls

    Remembering Mary Travers

    OH :( I remember growing up and my mom listening to them! I liked them as a child so you know they were good ;) Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  5. My2girls

    bittersweet birthday..

    Heidi, this is the reason I try to let my girls spend as much time with my mom-in-law as possible. She is that kind of grandma; the kind I never had. Thank God for those special grandparents!!!! Happy belated birthday :)
  6. My2girls

    Cardio Coach Compendium

    Ha ha, I am glad I'm not the only one who likes to know what challenge I need to mentally prepare for! Sometimes Coach Sean doesn't give you much warning. Thank you!
  7. My2girls

    may you dance like no one's watching...

    Thank you for sharing that with us and for the reminder! Unfortunatley, I need that reminder a lot.
  8. My2girls

    belly pooch

    Hi, I read your post earlier today and didn't reply. I have thought about your post several times as I went about my day. I too, had two c-sections which leave an undesirable scar and an extra line for pooches. I also had my appendix removed as a small child which left me with a second...
  9. My2girls

    Oh No! Patrick Swayze!!!

    Nooooooooooooo!!!! :(:( Oh, I just fell in love with him in Dirty Dancing. I had not heard. I am so bummed. :( sh*t
  10. My2girls

    Cardio Coach - personal playlist?

    :eek: I am beyond impressed Carola!!! Have you written to Coach Sean yet?!?! Your journey would make his year!!!! You go girl! :D
  11. My2girls

    What is the saddest movie you've ever seen

    I just love the fact that he follows her home to make sure she is okay... man is that a wonderful guy or what?!?! I'm swooning here :p
  12. My2girls

    Wish me luck!!!

    Hurray Michele!!!! You are one cool chick!!! I am so happy for you :D:D
  13. My2girls

    Finished my 1st 5K!!!!

    Wonderful job Nan!!! That time is awesome! (you were so sweet to remember Michele!) :)
  14. My2girls

    I'm a new Aunt!

    Have fun Aunt Nan! Love the beer gift :p
  15. My2girls

    Cardio Coach - personal playlist?

    Brenda -- I am too boring and unimaginative to come up with my own playlist!!! :rolleyes: I did one time do intervals with CC and Cathe weights, does that count?!?! :p Alana -- Please get yourself over to and give it a go, you will never think of cardio the same!!!
  16. My2girls

    favorite cookbook?

    I do not have this cook book, but ANYthing from Cooks Illustrated (Cooks Country, America's Test Kitchen) is going to be awesome!! You can check out their site or they have cookbooks that you can get from the library, or get their magazines! Super resource! I also enjoy Everyday Food magazine...
  17. My2girls

    What is the saddest movie you've ever seen

    Hey, from one goober to another...I used to watch that movie atleast once a week!!! Thanks Liann, now I'm going to have to hunt that movie down and watch it for a good cry :(;)
  18. My2girls

    My Happy News :)

    That is wonderful news! :D
  19. My2girls

    I've been banned! Like Howard Stern!! Except from a fat support group!!!

    I checked out your blog while eating my lunch! Very funny :D Good luck with your weight loss journey!!
  20. My2girls

    knitting perception in our society

    I don't knit, but my sister does and we go to many knit stores in Portland when we visit her! I think knitting is becoming very hip and the "thing to do" in our parts. Classes, groups and stores are popping up all over :) My girls are learning hand-stitching from their Grandma and many of the...