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  1. My2girls

    Elliptical + Cardio Coach = LOVE!!!

    LOL! I have thought about that before. I don't work out at a gym, but when Coach Sean says to do that I often think how fun it would be to do just that in a gym, to see how others responded!!!! :D They might want to know what you were working out to and get hooked on Cardio Coach too!!!
  2. My2girls

    Getting Back in the Game -- Tuesday!!!

    I am a little nervous to start a thread!!! You hear that Robin :p Just finished my workout - 4DS chest and back w/CM added on. Yesterday I did CCV4 on my bike and added 4DS shoulders and calves (which I am feeling today!) I finished my 5k on Saturday!! :D:D It wasn't pretty, but now I have...
  3. My2girls

    Getting Back into the Game-Good Friday

    Just running through this thread to say Hi and Happy Easter! I am crazy busy today and not too happy about it :mad: Deep breath....this too shall pass....this too shall pass...deep breath....;)
  4. My2girls

    Please tell me about Cardio Coach

    :D What she said!!! :D:D
  5. My2girls

    Need Help - How much do you spend on gifts?

    Shoegal, It dawned on me today as I was going about my business, I really should have told you that it is a really wonderful thing to be so generous with those you love! I really wish I could say I go all out and get that gift if I know someone would really love it, but I don't! You have...
  6. My2girls

    Getting Back into the Game Thursday

    Oh Robin, Thank you! :) Now I am really going to come help with your garden!!! ;):D I will not try and start a thread tomorrow - I will wait patiently for someone else to do it first :rolleyes: ha ha See you in the morning ladies.:rolleyes: Sleep tight
  7. My2girls

    Getting Back into the Game Thursday

    Hi again! I posted under the thread I started this morning!!! Nothing too exciting, but I don't know how to get it and copy it here, sorry! :o Have a great day!
  8. My2girls

    Need Help - How much do you spend on gifts?

    Ditto to the ditto to the ditto to the ditto!!!!!! My DH and I have always had a joint account. I thought that was one of the neat things about getting married :). I do the bills and we discuss gifts and charitable donations. Quite a while ago we stopped the gift giving. It was becoming...
  9. My2girls

    Why You're (not YOU, necessarily!) Fat

    I was very impressed with this! At first I thought it was a real cake. I'd eat this too. :p
  10. My2girls

    Need some positive thoughts

    I can offer positive thoughts and a prayer for you :) I sure hope the results are the ones you want.
  11. My2girls

    ** Getting Back in the Game - Thursday! **

    Good and Happy Thursday to you all!! :) I just finished my 2 mile jog and wanted to see if I could get a thread started! Yesterday both Diane and Robin started a thread at exactly the same time! That is so crazy :eek: I have a busy day, getting school done and then off for a sewing class...
  12. My2girls

    Cool new Plank Variations

    I am going to have to try some of those! I need help in the core. I am impressed with that guy. I didn't think he looked chubby - just dressed modestly :)
  13. My2girls

    Look at my baby!!!!!

    Well he looks cute. I am kinda, sorta afraid of cows :o Not sure why, maybe just the size. I like both George and Oreo.
  14. My2girls

    Getting Back into the Game - Wed

    I'm getting back in the game too Robin! :D I'm just too much into the home game today!!! I did PUB this morning and my lower abs really felt the CM (premix tough abs) I did yesterday. I am planning to get a run in tomorrow morning, we'll see. My DH is working crazy hours this week and I...
  15. My2girls

    How many workouts did Cathe name after YOU..huh?!

    Very funny Jerry :p You have a good sense of humor :D
  16. My2girls

    Why You're (not YOU, necessarily!) Fat

    Most of those looked downright Wrong, but I am ashamed to admit more than a few looked like something I would try :o The Slinger though, looked like what someone 'slung' into the toilet after a hard night drinking! YUCK!
  17. My2girls

    12:17 a.m. - If you wanna see where my Tar Heel boys are...

    I am sorry I was here at 12:17am :D What an exciting time for you!!!