Search results

  1. xiangnimen

    Slide & Glide Disc Covers

    Hello - Not sure if this question has already been asked, but does anyone know if you can wash the slide & glide disc covers in the washing machine? Thanks! :D
  2. xiangnimen


    Hello - Another download question - when you buy the downloads, do they come with all the premixes that physical DVD's come with?
  3. xiangnimen

    Buying Downloads

    Hello - Just wondering if you need a paypal account in order to buy downloads?
  4. xiangnimen

    Random Question

    Hi Cathe - I was just watching one of your DVD's the other day and the thought came to my mind - I wonder if when you are at home, you just pop in one of your own DVD's and work out with it? And do you find it odd to work-out with yourself? Also, if you had to pick one DVD - which one...
  5. xiangnimen


    Hi Cathe - I have been using your dvd's to workout for 4 years now and I have to tell you my workouts are one of the high points of my day. Thank you for putting out such fun and effective dvd's so I can enjoy working out in the comfort of my home. I do have one question though - about a...