Search results

  1. morningstar

    cancelling BodyMedia (GoWearFit)

    Hi guys, After having my GWF for a year, I would like to cancel my subscription, but nowhere on their website does it explain how to do this - lots about how to join up, nothing about how to cancel. Has anyone successfully done this, or has anyone any idea how I can cancel my subscription...
  2. morningstar

    After Dinner Munchies

    Lately I'm too busy for a proper dinner, but when I can, I make a huge salad for dinner (it takes a long time to eat). By the time I'm done, I'm bored with eating usually. In any case, I often create workouts or rotations in the evening, or do some other activity that takes mental energy and...
  3. morningstar

    What's your favorite breakfast right now?

    For the last 4 years, pretty much every morning I have a veggie burger: 2 soy/veggie patties, whole wheat bun, very spicy mustard, and very spicy chipotle sauce. On weekends, I might change it up with a veggie/parmesan omelette. Why do you eat gluten free? So many people do, when an actual...
  4. morningstar

    5k good news/bad news :-)

    Can I just say that you just walked that race at my easy run pace? Seriously, you woulda kicked my ass and made me feel ridiculously slow. I know you like kicking runners' behinds, so I thought I'd let you know!
  5. morningstar

    Smoking at bus stop!

    You don't need to have an allergy to smoke to have the right not to have your lungs filled with the s**t. The evidence has been in for decades - it causes cancer. Screw allergies - this s**t can kill.
  6. morningstar

    Smoking at bus stop!

    This is ultimately a health issue - do you value your children's lungs over your relationship with a neighbour that you just met? Is your concern that this inconsiderate smoker (yep, it is inconsiderate, even outdoors, because that s**t travels a long way) might be upset when asked not to smoke...
  7. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    I did some of the cardio intervals in Extremely Ripped today at 15% incline and 6 kph. My heartrate definitely stayed up and I felt the burn in a lot of interesting places.
  8. morningstar

    The inaugural run!

    A gorgeous Sole F85. Today I did Extremely Ripped 1000 for the first time, using the treadmill for the cardio intervals. It is definitely more of a cardio workout than Ripped 1000 (without the Extreme) is. Both are quite brutal workouts in their own right- I sweated like a son of a ... dog...
  9. morningstar

    The inaugural run!

    I really love running outside, so I won't be giving that up, especially in the fall and spring. But it's nice to have options and alternatives!
  10. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    Wow - I guess it's be nice to morningstar day! A new treadmill and Tricia and Vee say nice things about me!
  11. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    I was actually talking about previous threads to that one.
  12. morningstar

    The inaugural run!

    So, after some playing around and figuring out that it didn't keep my metric settings (I figured this out by nearly killing myself by trying to walk at what I thought was a 6 kph setting and what was actually a 6 mph setting), I decided to do something I hadn't been able to do without a...
  13. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    Awww, Vee, you are always so nice to me - even when I don't remotely deserve it!
  14. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    Well, I guess you had to be watching some previous threads pretty closely.
  15. morningstar

    The inaugural run!

    It's here, it's here, it's here! I love my new baby! It's so pretty- like Robocop, but friendlier!
  16. morningstar

    Me? Hate steady state?

    For those that think that I have a special hate on for steady state and low intensity cardio, I thought I'd share something with y'all. Last week I went hiking/camping for 7 days. I have a GoWearFit (Body Media) and burned an average of 3100 calories a day- and three of those days were light...
  17. morningstar

    The inaugural run!

    Some time ago, I posted that I had finally decided to buy a treadmill after a series of unfortunate running sessions. I then posted requesting treadmill reviews. Well, the great day has finally arrived. My beautiful new Sole F85 will be delivered and installed today! I have a very small...
  18. morningstar

    Thursday 9:30am-10:30am coffee/tea break

    Hi Cathe, I don't think my boss would understand it if I chatted with you and got paid for it, so I'm hoping to ask a question in advance. When you do so much, and have accomplished so much that no others have, how do you handle all the critics and naysayers that arise whenever you put out a...
  19. morningstar

    overpronator to neutral

    I have gone from being a moderately severe overpronator to a neutral over the course of the past couple of years. Not really sure why, but there it is. Has this happened to anyone else?