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  1. morningstar

    Vegan/vegetarian kids?

    That reminded me of a recent news story from France: Joel and Sergine Le Moaligou convicted of causing child's deathFrench couple who refused to take their sick and undernourished daughter to hospital were...
  2. morningstar

    Will u vote for me?

    Hey, you may want to post on the Video Fitness General Discussion forum as well- someone else is and is getting lots of votes!
  3. morningstar

    Will u vote for me?

    I voted for you! Gotta say, that picture is just freakin' amazing!
  4. morningstar

    Farewell Elizabeth Taylor

    She was a lovely human being, wonderful in her field, a mom, a grandmother, a great grandmother, and God knows, a wife to many. She packed a hell of a lot of life into the few short years that the human race is granted.
  5. morningstar

    Who's gonna watch the Royal Wedding?

    I just find weddings incredibly boring, even if you know the people involved. I'll be curious as to the dress, but that will no doubt be plastered everywhere, so I won't have to watch the wedding for that. It's sort of like watching or hearing about someone else's vacation - if you weren't...
  6. morningstar

    My grand experiment - comments welcome!

    And I pretty much guarantee you'll keep on feeling it - especially tomorrow!
  7. morningstar

    My grand experiment - comments welcome!

    You are definitely supposed to walk - I walk forward and backward, rather than turning around. There shouldn't be tension in your shins.
  8. morningstar

    My grand experiment - comments welcome!

    Here's a link to the Frankenstein Marching instructions that I follow:
  9. morningstar

    My grand experiment - comments welcome!

    I am trying a new experiment in working out. I have been doing both a push up and pull up challenge every day - where I do the exercise each day adding 1 rep to the previous day's total. I had expected to gain endurance, but not much muscle, from doing the push ups everyday, as everyone says...
  10. morningstar

    filler injections: has anyone tried...

    I think LauraMax might be a good resource on this. I think there have been some threads on this, if you do a search.
  11. morningstar

    If you work in an office...........

    Nice to hear from Cathe. Personally, I wouldn't bother with the stability ball chair- there are much more effective ways to achieve your goals that don't require going to such extremes.
  12. morningstar

    Need ideas for my B-Day "cake"!

    Happy Birthday! It sounds like it's going to be an awesome last year of the decade for you. I'll leave it to the others to come up with something interesting for you, but I just wanted to mention that the hallmark of a sustainable fitness and nutrition program is flexibility, creativity and...
  13. morningstar

    calories burned during "Insanity" workouts..

    Polar Heart Rate monitors are incredibly sensitive to the settings you input. Your activity level is really important. Unless you are an actual athlete in training for the Olympics, be very conservative with this setting or you will end up with very very high calorie counts.
  14. morningstar

    protection when cutting root veg

    To cut a squash, use a very sharp knife, so it will just bite in rather than slip off on to your finger. Make sure it's a big enough knife to do the job. I have no idea about peeling a squash.
  15. morningstar

    I just don't know who is crazier!

    I don't mean to be a downer here, but Charlie is clearly an addict with severe mental health issues. If he wasn't a star and imploding so publicly, no one would find this funny. Lots of people are going through situations just as horrific as he is, but they aren't living out their mental...
  16. morningstar

    As seen on TV - Shake Weights

    This one made Tom Venuto's blog when he commented on Time's list of the 25 worst informercials of all time- a ridiculous product and useless, but the commercial for it is f***ing hilarious! I recommend watching them all...
  17. morningstar

    If you had to give up high heels or cardio.......

    Ain't nuthin' gettin' in the way of my workouts! I put my back out yesterday morning during a rowing workout and still walked to work - and then did my push up challenge this morning! 40 push ups - and didn't hurt my back! High heels aren't worth it. I stopped wearing them 22 years ago...
  18. morningstar

    At What Age Should I Have "The Talk" With My Daughters?

    The only thing I would offer is, make sure whatever decision you make, that the deciding factor is not your discomfort with the subject matter, but rather, your children's need to know. Knowledge is power in this world, and as long as you can explain it in such a way that it makes sense, is...
  19. morningstar

    Workout Warriors Feb 14th - 20th

    Checking in on behalf of Janis (not that she asked me to!) - she's had a power outage when they were buried under a foot and a half of snow, so she's MIA too at the moment. Even with that, she lifted STS Back and Biceps using her workout card. Gotta love Cathe and admire Janis' dedication (and...
  20. morningstar

    Workout slump....

    I think sometimes we need the tough love- the kick in the butt - and sometimes we need a more positive reinforcer. Certainly, a glance in the mirror and being horrified by what we see can be a tremendous impetus for fitness, but it can also be the harbinger of eating disorders and other issues...