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  1. L

    Q. about Menopause and fitness danger

    Hi Cathe, I turned on Oprah yesterday and they were discussing Menopause. The were just about ready to take a commercial break and were mentioning what they would talk about when they came back. Said it was about a serious health danger for gals going through pre-menopause that were elite...
  2. L

    Question concerning Slow & Heavy?

    Hi Cathe, I've been looking at the new videos you've made since I've been away. I have a question about the Slow & Heavy series. I'm wondering if a beginner could use them with lighter weights? Also how do you do the counting on the sets. I wish I could recall the terms used in describing the...
  3. L

    After a break, could one start slower

    Congratulations!! Great news Cathi, I had 2 boys (they were great) before my daughter arrived when I was 40. You'll be practiced. I will be praying for you all. Lora
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    After a break, could one start slower

    Thanks Cathi Your answer was just what I needed. I've pulled out your Step Heat video and can almost do the entire first routine. I know I could probably get through the entire tape if I really pushed myself (like I normally would) but I think I will stick with your advise. You don't mind a...
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    After a break, could one start slower?

    Hi Everyone, I've been working out at a gym for a year now but we will be moving in the spring and I had to drop my membership. So I've got Cathi's tapes out again. Missed them. Missed this forum too. My husband finally said I could quit working. Now I'm getting my house ready to put on the...
  6. L

    After a break, could one start slower

    Hi Cathi, I've been working out at a gym for a year now but we will be moving in the spring and I had to drop my membership. So I've got your tapes out again. Missed them. I've been on a total exercise break for about 3 weeks. Got in an accident and did something to my back. Prior to that I...