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  1. andilynn67

    *****Kettlebells Weekend Report*****

    Hi everyone! I've been MIA all week but I got A's on all my finals and on my last two term papers! Now I'm going to rest for three weeks before the summer semester starts! I havn't missed any workouts this week but the types have been all over the place! Everything from Cathe to Turbo Jam to...
  2. andilynn67

    Help with my GoWearfit!

    Thanks for the info, I'm really loving this little gadget. I've learned how little I burn on a "rest" day and how much I burn working out, I would never have dreamed there would be such a difference! I've also noticed that my sleep is not very efficient either( although I knew that already)...
  3. andilynn67

    xxxooo KettleBell WeekEnd Report oooxxx

    Yuck it's a gray cloudy Sunday:( I guess a trip to the park will have to wait for next weekend, the ground is so wet it's squishy! Anyway, today is a rest day for me and I'm glad because STS legs is tough! I need the rest, and then back to kettlebells tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a nice...
  4. andilynn67

    xxxooo KettleBell WeekEnd Report oooxxx

    Hi everyone, hope you all are havng a great weekend! I'm getting ready to head to the basement for some STS legs and my little workout buddy is here(grandson) so I'll have my own little cheering section down there with me! Next week will be back to kettlebells and cardio! Today was also the...
  5. andilynn67

    Kettlebell Check In * * *Thursday

    Whew! I'm almost done with all the dvd's in the first mesocycle of STS! I did better today on my pullups (at least on the first round) but the later ones not so much! I think I'll be feeling it tonite at work! I also got my GoWearfit in the mail yesterday and it's charging as I speak! One...
  6. andilynn67

    Help with my GoWearfit!

    I was setting up my activity manager and it is asking for the times that I sleep, I'm wondering how to do this since I work swing shift,today my bedtime is 3:00 pm tomorrow is the weekend so I'll sleep at nite and next week who knows ? I could be going to bed at 10 pm 2am or 3pm! Any ideas on...
  7. andilynn67

    keTTleBEll chECk iN===TuESdaY

    That looks like a good one, my med ball is not very bouncy so I think it would be good for this although I need to purchase a heavier one. You're right about form too, the girl in the blue shirt is doing it in a way that I say looks correct but some of the other people hmmmmm I'm not so sure...
  8. andilynn67

    keTTleBEll chECk iN===TuESdaY

    Hi everyone, I'm just sitting here kicking back and watchong the rain, sounds like it's going to be a rainy week! Hope the sun comes out Saturday! My flowers are really looking nice though so the rain is a good thing! I did STS disc 10 this morning, I wish those darn pushups would get...
  9. andilynn67

    !i!i!i Kettlebellin' on the weekend i!i!i!

    Well, I'm getting ready to head down to the basement for today's workout(cardio) I think m,aybe a Imax and then a nap since I have to go to work at midnite tonite. I'm also awaiting the delivery of my Go Wear Fit ! I'm hoping it will help me drop this extra 15#'s I'm carrying, I swear the more...
  10. andilynn67

    !i!i!i Kettlebellin' on the weekend i!i!i!

    Hi everyone! I've been swamped all week so I have not been posting, and I hope everyone had a good week and are now enjoying this beautiful weekend! This week was a STS week for me, discs 7 thru 9, after the legs disc I swear I had some of the worst DOMS I have every had! I was downright gimpy...
  11. andilynn67

    Another GWF update

    Well............I caved , can't wait til it gets here!
  12. andilynn67

    k-k-k-kettlebells t-t-t-tuesday

    Hi all, just popping in to say "hi"! Taking a rest day today to get some stuff done, between work and school I'm fried! Just two more weeks and I'll have a couple of weeks to let my brain vegetate, Lol! Now I'm off to get ready for work! Waves to all! :)
  13. andilynn67


    Ewwwwww! It's Monday, my week off went so fast, back to work this afternoon so I had a morning workout today. I did STS disc # 8, I'm getting stonger on the pullups/chinups but I've got a long way to go til I do them unassisted! Deanie- enjoy your last week of ETK, I wish I had the gumption...
  14. andilynn67

    Another Body Fit question.......

    Does the arm band get in the way? I would want to wear it to work, I think at least a few days to get the full calorie picture. This is sounding better all the time, now where's my credit card? :)
  15. andilynn67

    Another Body Fit question.......

    I saw it mentioned that there is a monthly fee for this, I think? If so how much? I'm thinking about buying one and this will probably be the deciding factor. I would really like to know how much I'm really burning in a typical day so I could adjust my intake and maybe drop this 15 extra pounds...
  16. andilynn67

    ***Kettlebellin' on the weekend ***

    Yuck! What a rainy and nasty Sunday,I wonder if I should do homework or catch a movie? I'm leaning toward a movie but I don't think there's much out now that I want to see! Well, I ended up sticking to STS last nite (disc7) and I'm feeling it this morning, I don't know if it was because I was so...
  17. andilynn67

    ***Kettlebellin' on the weekend ***

    Wow! Drill max aftera 16hr fast! I don't know if I could do it! Is that not one of the most fun workouts ever though? Hmmmmmm, maybe I should do that! I'm feeling motivated nopw and ready to go, I'll just never be a am exerciser, I did it for years but once I switched to working out in the...
  18. andilynn67

    ***Kettlebellin' on the weekend ***

    Well, I'm having a hard time getting started this morning, maybe after my coffee kicks in I'll be ready to go! Yesterday was a rest day and today I'll be back on STS , week three this time, I really ought to try STS as designed on of these days. I still have not done all my 1rm's but I'm still...
  19. andilynn67

    Deadliest Catch

    I wondered if the rescue they were talking about might be the Kat Mai from earlier in the year? Guess we'll find out next Tuesday!
  20. andilynn67

    Deadliest Catch

    The "Time Bandit" is my favorite also,with the Northwestern coming in a close second but I love all the boats and the show is one of my favorites! Capt. Andy Hillstrand lives about 30 minutes away and gives riding lessons to my friend's daughter. She says he is super nice and just a really great...