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  1. UnstrungHarp

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    I'm probably not the best person to answer, because I no longer do any endurance workouts like running. But I did notice a few days after seriously cutting back carbs, I felt some fatigue in the afternoons, seemingly unrelated to exercise (sometimes I had already completed my daily workout...
  2. UnstrungHarp

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    You're right - I think my hesitance about thinking of fruits as bad is because they're supposed to be "natural"... I guess it's no worse than eating something processed/packaged, and hopefully it's a little better. But my practice has recently changed, after reading the books I've mentioned...
  3. UnstrungHarp

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    I totally understand! I went through a phase (well, several phases) of obsessively counting calories which inevitably led to slacking off due to my overconfidence in my ability to estimate. I've seen this addressed in some, if not all, the books/websites I've been reading, and the rationale...
  4. UnstrungHarp

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    Yeah! I mean, I love meat but certainly don't think I should skimp on the veggies, which do have some carbs. My biggest problem is the idea that eating fruit is bad...I understand that sugar is sugar, but I have a hard time believing that my beloved daily medium size green apple could be bad for...
  5. UnstrungHarp

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    I think I may have read too much diet and fitness related material lately, if such a thing is possible! It all started with hearing about the ME (Metabolic Effect) Diet and Workout website, buying the book and reading their blog. Everything they said made so much sense and seemed reasonable when...
  6. UnstrungHarp

    Want to get a Blackberry, Blueberry or I-phone thingy

    Verizon is the only option where I live, too. I just got the Palm Pre Plus, only because it has the free mobile hotspot feature, which enables me to use the web and online-only apps on my iPad everywhere I go. No other phone has this feature for free...of course, if Verizon had the iPhone I...
  7. UnstrungHarp

    The Weirdest Things on your iPod?

    Opera...and lots of it. :D I also have the complete Pimsleur French lessons, all 90 of them. The rest of my 8 gigs or so probably isn't any more normal than the above, but I'll keep my post short!
  8. UnstrungHarp

    What is your fitness agenda today?

    Thanks for the insight - I always thought 40/20 was the hardest of the three! I didn't specify, but what I had in mind was a workout that incorporated weights. I know the original study by Dr. Tabata did not use weights, but I've seen lots of examples on the web of the Tabata concept applied...
  9. UnstrungHarp

    What is your fitness agenda today?

    It's Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning for me, if I can work up the energy at the end of the day (after getting no sleep last night!). Then I'm back to my usual daily dose of Cathe tomorrow, with Viper on my workout calendar. Oh yeah, I have done some housework today as well as grocery...
  10. UnstrungHarp


    I just wanted to say I dangerously underestimated Tonique 2 (workout 1). I assumed that I could pretty much handle anything, as a long time Cathe fan and Insanity grad, and Tonique just looked so....girly (sorry!!). WRONG!! I was not expecting to have such an elevated heart rate for so...
  11. UnstrungHarp


    Thanks, fit44, that is a good idea. I was considering tonique2 since it has two workouts...I could do one and see how I like it before committing to download the other one! I'll just slightly rearrange my rotation so I still get HST in later in the week. Easy enough! :D
  12. UnstrungHarp


    Okay, all you enablers! :) Since all these workouts are available for download, which means semi-instant gratification, I am thinking of downloading one of them for today's workout. But I had Cathe's High Step Training Advanced on the agenda for today, so if I do something else, I would like...
  13. UnstrungHarp

    Anyone else not have a use for ipad?

    I second all that. I even use it to create my workout rotations. I browse forums, get news and weather, do general web surfing, play awesome games, read ebooks including the Bible...which is blazing fast looking up passages during services. I am such a geek, I even type my grocery list in Notes...
  14. UnstrungHarp

    Are you going to get the ipad?

    I have an iPad that I pre-ordered within the first hour that you could pre-order, but I don't know if that qualifies me as "hard core" :). In our house, we already had an iMac, two MacBook Pros, an iPod touch and an iPod shuffle each for DS and DD. Okay, so maybe I'm hard core. (I'm a graphic...
  15. UnstrungHarp

    iPads! The (almost) perfect Cathlete gadget

    I bought Bento ($4.99 for the iPad) and manually made two databases related to my workouts. One of them is my DVD library and one is the actual schedule of workouts. It's not a program specifically for workouts, because all the apps I saw that were in the Fitness/Healthcare section were geared...
  16. UnstrungHarp

    iPads! The (almost) perfect Cathlete gadget

    Just wanted to say I am typing this post on my iPad right now. :) I've had it since almost-day-one (had to wait for Monday UPS delivery) and absolutely love it. I don't use it for viewing my downloaded Cathe workouts but I could see that happening if I'm traveling. It has become my total...
  17. UnstrungHarp

    (Please don't flame me) Question on the health ins

    I have a question about the pre-existing condition issue. I have been searching everywhere for the answer and can't find it, I guess because I'm looking for more precise wording, as opposed to "people with pre-existing conditions can't be denied coverage." I have a chronic, incurable...
  18. UnstrungHarp

    fun times with psoriasis

    I'm so sorry that I don't have any encouraging advice...I also have psoriasis that was finally classified as severe a few years after my first flare up in my early twenties. I wanted to do the natural remedy thing too, especially since I didn't have the best insurance coverage on prescriptions...
  19. UnstrungHarp

    power hour MIS

    I would recommend Power Hour if you can only get one. I have the DVD that contains both Power Hour, MIS and Body Max, and Power Hour is the only one of the three I still do. I'm not sure why, but it may be the length...Power Hour hits everything in 60 minutes.
  20. UnstrungHarp

    Pre-order excitement (but not Cathe this time) :)

    At least, I think it's exciting, anyway. I just pre-ordered my iPad from Apple, which is supposedly going to be delivered to me on April 3. I'm relieved that I don't have to drive to an Apple Store and fight the crowd. I have never been an early adopter when it comes to technology, but this...