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  1. missyt

    STS first time!

    Hello friends! I am off work today....had to take boots to dr this morning for followup....he seems to be doing better on his new I am at dentist....not good....we shall see what the dx ia..... I had a filling fall out a bit ago.....I just hate painful...
  2. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good morning....sitting here eating oatmeal. .. its going to be 77 this afternoon.... Carolyn....I was okay after my mini run.... I only ran for about 30 minutes with a break at each 10 min....gonna try again this week....but I've been having headaches due to sinus preaaure I think...
  3. missyt

    STS first time!

    Oh...Carolyn... I did a 30 minute run on the treadmill on thanksgiving.....hehehehe.... I just had to do it... there was so many turkey trots....and I had to do a little run myself! :confused:
  4. missyt

    STS first time! on the computer my phone was giving me posting issues.... so glad you figured out the burning scarey!!!! Marie...I also use the krazy coupon lady...but also the coupon class I went to...have a secret coupon group that you must take her class...
  5. missyt

    STS first time!

    Hello....and happy December! !!! My arms are toast....from raking leaves yeaterday! Lol Tree is decorated and beautiful! Today work is a mad house....errr!!!!
  6. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good morning and happy thanksgiving....yes im a day late....but I was swamped yeserday and Tim was sick most of the morning....migraine....yuck!!!! Today is the day I shall decorate my tree....after the horse vet leaves....she should be here st 10:30 for shots! Last night I did do some...
  7. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good afternoon friends....its soggy here....its been raining nonstop since saturday aftwrnoon.... its auppose to continue till tomorrow sometime in the am.... the temps are dropping a bit.... itain the 50s and yucky wet....brrrr I feel much better today.....just a bit sore....but planning on...
  8. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good morning....I'm up and sore....but I'm cycling....its wet once again....lots of showers and tomorrow.... I'm ready for wedneaday at noon....cause we are getting ofd at noon wednesday amd don't go back untill monday....a nice long weekend is just what I need!!! Yipeeee!!! but...
  9. missyt

    STS first time!

    Hello again.....I'm just accident waiting to happen..... so addicting....I am waiting for season 3..... just loved it! Jean....that's so true about church people....u and me both feel the same way! Carolyn....gotta love Seinfeld....that show was the best..... I'm laying in...
  10. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good today was pretty restful....its been raining all day....then Tim and I went outside to check on our kitties....and thank god Tim went with me....the stairs was really slick....and I slipped and feel down the stairs....I was so scared to move.... I landed on my back and my left...
  11. missyt

    STS first time!

    Hello....its yucky here today....its a gloomy rainy Saturday! I have sinus issues and when it drains my throat gets really sore! Marie....oh no....i sure hope you feel better.....the flu is really bad here this doc had it last week and was out of work for 3 days....and then had the...
  12. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good I didn't die yet in these frigid temps...but I haven't made it outside yet. Its 20º and todays high is 55º.....tomorrow morning forcasting 32º.... oh my....another yucky night.... Made another pot of soup last night tim and i could take it for lunch today. I also got...
  13. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good Morning.... It is absolutely freezing here in the south! 32 degress this morning....and todays high is 47. It will be 22 in the morning.... brrrr!!!!! Its only 37 outside now....OMG..... Fingers crossed we don't catch the flu bug. I dressed warm today....turtleneck and...
  14. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good morning.. Bisy busy weekend....and then on top of it...I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup last night and had the inlaws over.... Yeah for doms Carolyn.....I know what your feeling....I'm just getting back on the cathe workouts after along time of just walking due to my pain....and I...
  15. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good Morning....late for me...but I was busy this it was freezing outside! My doc that was out sick yesterday, called me early this morning to let me know he was not coming in today as he is still sick. He tested positive for the flu. :confused::(:eek:So...we are taking tons of...
  16. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good evening...makinh chili as its cold! Gonna be freezing tomorrow! Omg...just saw another clip to the new series...I may have to modify some...but I'm pumped and ready!!!! Did upper body trisets today....did not go to spin class as my docs let us go home at 3 and I wasn't gonna hang in town...
  17. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good morning....oh my....yesterday was full of stress....after months of extrwmw hard work trying to find new health insirance polocies for our office....the docs and I came to the conclussion we could not afford it anymore.... the cheapest group plan went up 35%.... $24, 000 a year. ....jist...
  18. missyt

    STS first time!

    Off to cook back....
  19. missyt

    STS first time!

    Good evening....just finished working I put lic in...and quickly remembered this was toouch step for half way through...and 150% frustrated. ... I stoped and cycled....and adjusted my sched and replaced all lic with lean legs and abs....errr!!! Its not that I don't like...
  20. missyt

    STS first time!

    Carolyn....its funny you say that...cause backwards lunges to do not bother me at all...but the others do....hmmmm...... Marie.... What a pretty pic.... we never see that...and when it comes near...we panic...LOL