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  1. Jane A

    2 yoga dvd recommendations

    Thanks for your reply. That sounds pretty cool to me.
  2. Jane A

    "File too big" error

    Double click on your photo. This should launch Microsoft Office Picture Manager (or similar program). Right-click and choose Edit Picture. Choose Compress Picture, and then Click on either the Web page or Email selection. It should show you how big it will be when compressed. Then click OK...
  3. Jane A

    2 yoga dvd recommendations

    Thanks for sharing. Can you describe what's different about it -- what you like in particular? Thanks!
  4. Jane A

    Statement of Accountability and Determination

    You can do it!!
  5. Jane A

    Unwanted/unsoliciated advice at gym today!!

    Elaine, you beat me to it! LOL!
  6. Jane A

    My Little Lark

    Janie, Oh, I'm crying with you right now. Any time I hear of a dog's passing I just start to cry. I know what it's like -- I've been there a few times. It took me forever to finish reading Marley & Me because I had to stop after each single page to blow my nose! It won't do you any good to...
  7. Jane A

    Getting ready for swimsuit season?

    OMG! Sandra, I'm in tears laughing!
  8. Jane A

    clean bill of health!

    So happy for you!
  9. Jane A

    Online Banking?

    Melissa, I would suggest you go to, where you can get information on online banks, including interest rates and a rating for how healthy they are. Usually for these accounts you'll get checks and deposit slips, same as usual. So if you need money, you can write a check on...
  10. Jane A

    Pilates or Weights/Osteoporosis

    Ivy, Any weight bearing exercise is good for building bone density. I'm not a doctor, but I do have bone density issues, so I'm operating on the assumption that the more weight that you bear the better. You will also get results from higher impact (unfortunately that's harder on the joints)...
  11. Jane A


    It would be cool to do a full yoga workout with Cathe! :D
  12. Jane A


    Hi Jera -- I think you would benefit from phoning Bosu at 1-800-321-9236 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m eastern standard time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). That way you'll be sure to get your questions answered accurately. Jane
  13. Jane A

    Semi-Formal Vs. Formal

    Yup, cocktail dress. Save the floor length for the opera (picture Cher in Moonstruck -- that's formal). Ankle length is a very good second choice. As a radio announcer, you want to look hip, though. So I wouldn't hold back on the accessories too much just because it's non-profit. You need to...
  14. Jane A

    Friend who was nicer when I was fat...

    Shayne, you said it perfectly! LOL
  15. Jane A

    Susan G. Komen and KFC

    I haven't eaten at KFC in decades, but I do remember seeing that they are trying to improve. I think they offer grilled or broiled chicken now as a healthier alternative, and I think they are a no trans-fat restaurant. They're probably trying to improve their image, and their marketing firm...
  16. Jane A

    Bloating from Hell

    I had the exact same experience with the Fiber One bars! They tasted really good, but the pain (and embarassment) was definitely not worth it!
  17. Jane A

    Need to vent -(long and petty)

    Elsie, I don't blame you for being upset! Don't you hate it when other people undermine your efforts? Usually, it's just out of ignorance and not intentional, but it's still frustrating. As you wrote, it's best to get back to good thoughts, so here's some smilies. :):):):D:):):):) Jane
  18. Jane A

    Follow up to "I DID 75 PULL-UPS!!!"

    WOW! Melissa, thank you so much for your video! I learned a lot, and BTW you look great. Thanks to everyone else for your contributions, too. I'm really having some Eureka! moments today. Jane
  19. Jane A


    Jera, I'm not sure what "3d" means. However, in the catalog I'm looking at, there are 4 choices: Bosu Pro, Bosu Balance Trainer, Bosu Home, and Bosu Sport. The first 2 are really for training facilities where they will get constant use. The Sport is for travel. I would say you probably want to...
  20. Jane A

    Levitation Holds !!

    If you go the YouTube on the Cathe website, you can find it. Look for STS Abs Circuit video. It's about 6:50 into it. Pretty short clip, but still amazing.