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  1. Jane A

    Question about Almond Milk

    Thanks for your responses -- so helpful. This forum's great!
  2. Jane A

    Who was your gateway drug to Cathe?

    A: The record (actually my first Jane Fonda workout was an audio cassette) came with a booklet with drawings (not even photos) of the moves. B: Can't address that. :rolleyes:
  3. Jane A

    Question about Almond Milk

    There recently was a thread (by Jules, I think) about Almond / Rice/ Coconut Milk, and your responses inspired me to try Almond Breeze. I love it! Thanks!! I have a question, though. How long does it stay good after you open it? Will it smell funny when it's too old?
  4. Jane A

    Who was your gateway drug to Cathe?

    Jane Fonda sort of saved my life after a very serious illness. From there, Michelle Dozois & Tracy York (could barely do one-legged Teasers with them), Karen Voight, a few others. The Firm was a big stepping stone for strength training. Tracie Long too. The first Cathe tape I bought was Ab...
  5. Jane A

    Office Etiquette

    I would guess that he doesn't realize your using personal money. How about asking your supervisor to budget some money (petty cash perhaps) to cover "visitors". Most offices have to provide coffee, etc. to sales reps or some customers. If that doesn't fly, then how about asking the guy...
  6. Jane A

    Business Situation Question

    Taking his arm was absolutely appropriate, especially if you accepted it with confidence and grace. What would have bugged me, though, was the apology for saying the word "hell". From your description, it sounds as though the apology was directed solely at you -- were you the only woman? Even...
  7. Jane A


    You are so right! I hate it when people have plastic surgery to their eyes. It's like you're talking to a stranger.
  8. Jane A


    To me, attractiveness is all about the whole picture, inside and out. Age can either be a plus or a minus, depending on the attitude that goes along with it. So I agree, Jane Fonda, Kathy Smith, Jack LaLanne -- all still happening.
  9. Jane A

    The Weirdest Things on your iPod?

    I sometimes wonder what my next-of-kin would think if (God forbid) I suddenly expired, and they got their hands on my iPod (assuming they could figure out how to work it ;)). Knowing my usual taste in music, they would be shocked to find: 1. Yma Sumac - a rare, mouth-dropping talent 2. Tom...
  10. Jane A

    A bit much? (opinions)

    Lori, Sorry but you're wrong. It's not a bit much -- it's WAY TOO MUCH! Don't feel guilty about setting up rules and boundaries. You and your family must be the priority in your life. You must be a very sweet person to put up with as much as you did. :)
  11. Jane A

    Low back/spine arthritis

    Nan, I'd like to offer up a suggestion, but it may be beyond practical use for you -- I don't know. I have an acquaintance who has the same kind of thing going on in his neck -- vertebrae actually rubbing against each other. He has visited a clinic in Germany where they do a procedure that...
  12. Jane A

    Help!!! I'm a little freaked out!

    Go to and enter the tracking number. Or, you can phone 1-800-PICK-UPS, and tell the operator the tracking number. Either way, you can find out how many boxes were shipped. While it is accurate that each box has an individual tracking number, if more than one box is shipped on the...
  13. Jane A

    What is your fitness agenda today?

    Hi Cathe! I finished a rotation of Meso 2 last week, and today I'm looking forward to spending time with my old buddy Muscle Max after work. See you then! (But you won't see me -- just as well. :p)
  14. Jane A

    So what do you think. . . .

    CUTE !!!!!!
  15. Jane A

    The lunch money thief

    Sometimes kids (and adults) get in trouble because they are not challenged enough and get bored. They just want the thrill of getting away with something. Believe it or not, I see this sort of mischief happen among my adult employees. With particularly talented people, if they don't have enough...
  16. Jane A

    Core Max?

    Jennifer, I would definitely get it. It's got 3 20-minute workouts -- one is with a med ball, one with stability ball, and one with no equipment -- plus pre-mixes. Some moves are the same as in Abs Circuit, but there's a lot of exercises that are different, and in different sequence. I...
  17. Jane A


    Fit44, thanks for the youtube link. It's great! LOL!:D
  18. Jane A

    Best workout/waterproof make-up?

    Oh, c'mon. Haven't you ever seen any of the old Firm videos?;) Do you remember when they wore exercise stockings? I'm guessing a tinted moisturizer and waterproof mascara will look great. Break a leg!
  19. Jane A

    Insomniacs, please help a desperate sista out!

    Do you remember when you were a child, and you went to bed and slept the entire time until you woke up totally refreshed in the morning? Is that gone forever? Do any adults actually experience that?
  20. Jane A

    Tracie Long Focus workout clips up at Collage

    Thanks, but I didn't see the option to Play Clip on her videos. I really like her "Better Burn, Better Buns" and "Strength in Movement" (with Jen Carmen), and have gotten great results from them. So I pre-ordered her 4 Longevity videos (before the new Focus ones at Collage), and something...