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  1. mspina

    Again, with the running...(Training questions)

    Stephanie, What has been your run history to date? I mean, what have you been doing the last x months in terms of frequency / duration / intensity? What's your current longest long run? In GENERAL, I'd advise running 4x/week, with one of them being a long run (whatever "long" means for...
  2. mspina

    Anyone have Otosclerosis & Stapedectomy surgery?

    One of my girlfriends had it done on both ears a few years ago. She said it was the best thing she's ever done, and was SHOCKED at how much she was inadvertently missing (the sound of her youngest son's breathing when he slept on her chest, for example). Surgery was easy with minimal recovery...
  3. mspina

    Terminator DVD- feel like I hit the jackpot

    You will love it! There was a time when I was doing the workouts on that DVD regularly as part of a rotation and it was SO fun. Great stuff on that DVD, no doubt!
  4. mspina

    Running question--nutrition for long runs

    For 3 hour long runs, you are going to need a heck of a lot more calories than you'll get with the Nuun, that's for sure! Nuun can be great for the electrolyte side of things - definitely look into that to see if it works for you. Typically, it's the premixed sports drinks that have HFCS. If you...
  5. mspina

    What has everyone been eating lately?

    I just wrapped up a 21 Day Vegan Kickstart program and LOVED it. Learned a lot of really fabulous new recipes, felt great, and lost 7 pounds without trying (and that I didn't need to lose, but am certainly not complaining about!!!). I'm continuing on with it indefinitely. It's organized by...
  6. mspina

    What to do about 20 y/o kitty?

    Those of us with pets can TOTALLY understand your feelings about this! I can't imagine having to make that choice, I really can't. But .... you also have to honestly think about what's best for Basha, even if that ends up being the worst decision for you, personally. You know?
  7. mspina

    Janie - PM

    Sorry to post this here all... Janie - just saw the PM about the dog allergies from a while ago. UGH! I have to update my settings to send me an email when I get a PM. Totally didn't see it. Anyway, just sent you a reply. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
  8. mspina

    What to do about 20 y/o kitty?

    I'll preface this by saying that I haven't had a cat since I was a kid. But .... you don't know if she's in pain or not - petting her may simply make her feel better and that's why she quiets down. I can't believe that constant meowing is a good thing. It's time to take her to the vet - talk to...
  9. mspina

    Sleepover question

    One of my daughter's best friends is our neighbor, a boy. She's slept over there a number of times and it's never crossed my mind that it was inappropriate. We have a GREAT relationship with the entire family (regularly do the 6:00pm random "Hey, come over for drinks and dinner tonight! See you...
  10. mspina

    pantyhose or no?

    It also must be a regional thing as well - I dress similarly, and I never wear pantyhose. I'd look out of place if I did, actually - they certainly are NOT part of the formal professional look around here.
  11. mspina

    I'm DOOMED with bad "dog"luck!

    Janie, Hopefully you have a good relationship with your vet - my advice is to make sure to REALLY keep on top of the infection and make sure the vet gives the pup a clean bill of health to really just nab this. Did the vet mention allergies at all? I, unfortunately, know a lot about food...
  12. mspina

    Car shopping--need advice

    Why don't you start looking for good car loan rates and BUY the Patriot? That lease rate is CRAZY!
  13. mspina

    Rent or own?

    But HiiT doesn't fall into this category - you stop, you are going to lose the gains you made. And if you don't continue to keep up with the strength training as you age, you won't magically retain this mobility and high activity level. You've perhaps got an argument for the benefits of...
  14. mspina

    Workout DVD for 13yo Boy?

    ShaunT has a set for that age range called "Get Real with ShaunT" - I LOVE ShaunT as do my kids. I got Fit Kids Club (another set of his, but for younger kids) for my daughter, and she loves the workouts. My son (now 11 years old) likes the Get Real series a lot - this could work well for your...
  15. mspina

    Thinking of ordering KPC & L&G

    Ditto this. KPC is really fun, L&G is simply AWESOME, and the premixes that combine the two are truly AMAZING.
  16. mspina

    STS 1RM Testing

    Thanks everyone!!!!! This has been really helpful. I was initially thinking that I didn't need to do the 1RM, I have done P90X a bunch of times, know what I can lift, etc. But I think that's naive - I'm actually excited about going through and doing this correctly. I was hoping to whip these off...
  17. mspina

    STS 1RM Testing

    I know I am late to the party, but I'm finally going to start an STS rotation. Which means 1RM testing!!!! I'm a little overwhelmed with how to approach this - I'll go zip over to the STS forum to see if there are suggestions over there as well, but I wanted to see what others did to get through...
  18. mspina

    So I think I found the secret to weight loss

    I read the following summary on another board that I just loved: "You have to choose to have the belief that eating healthy (and not eating too much) almost all the time is not deprivation or a chore, and that eating does not equal entertainment." It's truly quite perfect.
  19. mspina

    Question for all you runners

    There is some saying that I'm going to butcher - something like speedwork is the icing, your base is the cake. You don't have a solid base yet - putting icing on a unformed cake will result in a mess. :) Keep doing what you are doing. Speed will come with time, when you are ready. Results in...
  20. mspina

    Runners with dogs....

    On the poop issue - I will just run with it until I get to a public garbage can, or home. Once you actually do it, you'll realize it's really not a big deal. I don't even really notice it. I don't know that I'd use someone else's garbage can, even if it is at the curb. When I'm running on trails...