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  1. T

    Anyone get their dog vaccinated for lymes?

    Our last dog was vaccinated for Lyme and she got Lyme disease anyway. Needless to say we've not bothered with the vaccination with our current dog.
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    hot flashes and weight loss

    I'm 49 and at the major hot flash stage too. Aside from the flashes when I get soaked in perspiration, I'm so hot all the rest of the time too! It's been like that for a couple months now. I haven't lost any weight but then again I've noticed that I am able to eat more without gaining...
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    Sports Bra with HRM sensor built in

    I have a couple bras where the HRM chest strap just wouldn't stay put. To fix it, I sewed a couple tabs into the bras so the sensor is secure but still making direct contact to my chest. Then I just take the strap off, slip the sensor into the tabs and use the sensor only. If I wasn't so lazy...
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    Video from Step class and even more RT pics

    I'm blocked at work too, so I'll have to remember to look at it when I get home. If Robin can see herself, then maybe I'll see me too. Robin was on the step directly behind me.
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    RTers....what workout tomorrow???

    I haven't decided, but I was thinking about a weights only workout since we did a lot of cardio this weekend. Please don't tell me it has to be the one Cathe autographed for me -- in my case it's Gym Style Chest and Triceps. :o I don't think I'm up for that yet.
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    Ode to Table 11 (RT thread)

    I salute any table who knew a lot of the trivia answers. Most of the questions were tough. I'm glad that the prizes were VHS tapes, otherwise I think bread would have been flying!! LOL
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    You roadtrippers had some good weather!!

    Hi Jerry, Yes the weather was beautiful, although we didn't see much of it. We were indoors getting our butts kicked (in a good way) by Cathe. I am home now, very tired and feeling the DOMS coming on. :o I hope I can find the energy to hobble into work tomorrow.
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    Need a kick-butt cardio workout tonight!

    I vote for Cardio Fusion or MIC. They both are big calorie burners for me!
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    Maryland-- are we represented here?

    We live in Wilmington Delaware, but we spend nearly all our free time on our boat in Rock Hall, Maryland. We just love the Eastern Shore and the down to earth people who live there. Of course, we also frequently visit Annapolis, Baltimore, and Solomon's Island too. Carol, you're quite close...
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    What is the Roadtrip

    Here's a link with info about the Roadtrip:
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    corn on the cob

    Hey Phyllis! Guess you're getting ready to nosh on one of South Jersey's delicacies! I just love the silver queen corn that's out this time of year. They say that the ears with the most worms are the sweetest. Anyway, have you ever tried cooking the corn with the husks on? Once it's cooked...
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    Cathe's autograph

    You should have her sign the workouts you love most. That's what I did. Last time I had her sign Terminator. I think this time I'll have her sign Butts and Guts since it's consistently in my rotations these days. Ooh Ooh. Here's something different. You can have her sign your bicep and...
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    Just curious...does anyone out there take music lessons...

    RE: Just curious...does anyone out there take music les... I started piano lessons at 4 because my grandmother was a music teacher. Actually I learned to read music before I learned to read books! Although I hated getting up on Saturday mornings to go to my lessons I am forever grateful to my...
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    Can We Get Your Votes Here ASAP?

    Will we be able to vote on the other slogan suggestions or only these?
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    RT Slogan~Put on your THINKING CAP!!!

    There is a difficulty factor to limiting it to 3-4 words! A couple come to mind: How about 'Jump Higher!' or one of the things Cathe says a lot that always makes me laugh is: 'Can You Feel That?'.
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    Baked Sweet Potato--Toppings?

    Cumin, chili powder, and a dash of salt. I like the sweet/hot taste.:9
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    How many of us RoadTrippers are not first timers?

    This will be my second trip. I'm looking forward to it as much as the first time, too. :)
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    Our own vicious dogs.............long

    Too bad you can't find out who her home insurance company is. I'm sure they'd like to know she's had many incidents involving her dogs. That's a lawsuit just waiting to happen. Maybe a 'bite' to her pocketbook in the form of a rate hike would make her think twice about getting another dog...
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    Do you knit?

    I've been knitting since I was a child. Though I don't knit as much as I used to, I still do the occasional baby blanket or booties for shower gifts. It's really cool that knitting has come back into vogue. The new yarns they have now are fun to knit with. I read your post and it got me...
  20. T

    Any quilters out there? A question.

    Hi Kim, 3.625 is 3 5/8 inches. If your block isn't coming up to the right size, check to see what your size you made your seam. For quilting it's generally 1/4 inch, but check your directions just to make sure. I know a lot of sewing machines don't have the quarter inch mark on the plate...