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  1. Sissy1983

    BootCamp and Kickboxing music ideas?

    Kung Foo Fighting!!
  2. Sissy1983

    How much to pay kid-sitters?

    It is really hard to figure out childcare cost. I guess i figure about 3 dollars a kid, depending on the age of the kids. I also take into account if the babysitter drives or not. I think childcare prices are all over the road. i certainly dont hand the babysitter 6 bucks if its only an hour so...
  3. Sissy1983

    Don't know how on no sleep!

    I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. There will be plenty of time to get yourself on track. This stage will pass quickly and you will again find time to do things for yourself. Just have the mind set that If you get a workout in, great! But if your tired you prolly need the rest too. Goodluck!
  4. Sissy1983

    I deactivated my facebook account

    It's almost comical how people take fb so serious. The whole defriending people as an insult kills me. Whatever! I don't really care if people don't want to be my fb friend, I am not going to lose sleep over it. But some people take it so serious. It's totally addicting but I just like it to...
  5. Sissy1983

    How To Stay Motivated- Get Back on Track

    Maybe you just need to change things up. Sign up for a yoga or pilates class. Try swimming or biking sometimes it does become boring. But adding new things definatly helps. I hear Zumba is a blast!
  6. Sissy1983

    I phone downloads

    Has anyone tried these workout downloads? Curious what they thought. Is it easy to follow not being able to watch the video the whole time? I would def like to try them but wanted to get some opinions.
  7. Sissy1983

    Any energy secrets?

    melissa, just take one day at a time. Dont beat yourself up! i think that is great you got 3 workouts in! I am 12 weeks, also with my second chiild, and i said the same thing, that i dont remember being so tired with my first one. I work full time also, and i am on my feet ALL day long. I am...
  8. Sissy1983

    ♥♥♥ Mommies-to-be ~ Week of Jan 24 ♥♥♥

    I am starting to feel like a "normal" person again, this week is my 12th week and almost out of my first trimester. I have been noticing i can stay up later at night and all together feel better, energy wise. I have my obgyn appt today, i get to hear the babys heartbeat. very exciting! I am...
  9. Sissy1983


    so i called my obgyn and they didnt recommend it, she said zantac or tums. maybe cause i am still in my first timester idk. but latley i havent needed it anyway.
  10. Sissy1983

    ♥♥♥ Mommies-to-be ~ Week of Jan 17 ♥♥♥

    good morning ladies!! I am 11 weeks this week, finally starting to feel what "normal" is latley. The nausea is going away and starting to get some energy back. Its amazing how much energy these babies can suck out of you in the first timester. I am hoping to get outside this weekend and walk...
  11. Sissy1983


    anyone know if this is safe to take during pregnancy? i am still in my first trimester, almost my second, i have just been taking it as needed. just curious if anyone has got the "ok" from the ob gyn? melissa
  12. Sissy1983

    A Few Things I Learned about Pregnancy and Exercise

    great advice! sometimes we need to be reminded of these things!
  13. Sissy1983

    ♥♥♥ Mommies-to-be ~ Week of Jan 3 ♥♥♥

    Hi Brighton, i am new to the thread! How far along are you? I am only 8 weeks but i remember having bad siactica with my first. Hopefully it gets better for you! I have been just feeling run down. I worked out yesterday and did Cardio and Weights (of all things) I was exhausted after. I was...
  14. Sissy1983

    almost 39 and first time pregnant

    Congrats on the pregnancy!
  15. Sissy1983

    How many days post ovulation did you wait to test?

    First Response is suppose to be the "best" test for testing early. It has to be the 5 day sooner test however. Its suppose to be able to detect the lowest amount of HCG in the urine than any other test on the market, so i have read. Every test has a different level of detection of hcg and they...
  16. Sissy1983

    Moms to be check in week of December 20

    Hi ladies! My name is Melissa and I am 8 weeks preggo with my 2nd child. I have a 2 year old little boy now and I usually lurk on here and post sometimes. I would love to be apart of your check in (if you dont mind) I have felt so lazy my first few weeks with days of sickness. I have been trying...
  17. Sissy1983

    How many days post ovulation did you wait to test?

    I think i tested 10 days and evey day after that! I could stand the waiting!
  18. Sissy1983

    Should I be worried....

    why did you have a ultrasound so early anyway? standard is just to have a u/s around 20 weeks for fetal survey. Unless you dont have a date of last menses. Just curious?
  19. Sissy1983

    nausea at night

    anyone else have this problem? i have nausea in the am, but it almost seems worse at night or evening time around 6ish. i didnt have this with my first. just morning sickness. i havent vomited from it, but food rarely seems appealing to me. i know every pregnancy is different just curious if...
  20. Sissy1983

    getting fustrated

    I know Carrie!! At least we can make each other not feel so bad, i am getting in one day a week and the next day i am exhausted. I remember it def getting better in the second trimester, but i also dont want a lot of weight gain. i havent really been the typical "morning sickness" i have all day...