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  1. C

    Power Hour humbled me!!!

    LOL Patricia! Little did Cathe know that she needed a Witness Protection Program for her fans!!! Hmmm...I've always been convinced that I was a trust fund baby, switched at birth. I never considered the possibility that I may have a twin. Are you sure that your last name isn't Getty?
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    Power Hour humbled me!!!

    RE: Just Remember Thanks AKirkland for the pyramid suggestion. Cathe has hinted that she may do a pyramid strength split in her next batch of videos. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Naughtoj, I can certainly understand your reluctance to have your co-workers join you during your workouts...
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    Power Hour humbled me!!!

    Power Hour wears me out. I'm just not made for endurance strength work. Give me heavy weights, let me go at a comfortable pace with some breaks, and I do just fine. Given light weights with high repetitions, I turn into a complete wimp. Now I know the old workout adage, "the things we find the...
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    ?'s for "Heavy Lifters"

    RE: Cyberfit! Hi Patricia. 4 a.m.??? Yikes! I'm in awe of all you early morning exercisers. I pretty much don't function on a physical level before 10 or 11 a.m. :-rollen. You have a lot more motivation than you give yourself credit for. I need the coffee too. Yep, Fall is my favorite time of...
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    ?'s for "Heavy Lifters"

    I have experienced the onset of apathy that often accompanies overtraining. In fact, I'm currently in a slump. These downtimes for me are seasonal. I don't handle the heat well, not at all! Then, in the winter, the low light levels start to drag me down. I usually cut back on the intensity and...
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    More on the Facts and Factoids

    RE: Yes, MB! LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-02 AT 11:56AM (Est)[p]Maribeth, I just wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying and learning from your posts (and from many of the other forum participants as well.) Please continue to share your knowledge!
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    Wow! Congratulations Debbie. Running 5 miles in the heat of the summer (or anytime, for that matter!) is quite an accomplishment. I wish I had your motivation.
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    Does anyone else hate cardio machines?

    At home I have both an elliptical trainer and treadmill. The key motivator for me is some good pumping music, played on my personal cd player. Without the music, I couldn't bear to face either machine. With the music, I enjoy my workouts on the machines. Funny thing is, when I'm running...
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    should I get CTX upper?

    RE: Hi Bepop! Yes, get CTX Upper Body! I have the series on DVD and love the upper body compilation. It never fails to fry my triceps. I'm very consistent with my strength training, but I always have some major DOMS in my triceps after doing this workout (and it hurts so good!)
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    Tamilee Webb

    RE: got it! >On Tamilee's website she says her >husband is a plastic surgeon, >and she has a link >to his site. >-Connie Some girls have all the luck!!! :D
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    RE: Tamilee Webb's I Want Those... I like Tamilee's series too. I would consider myself an advanced strength trainer, and I think these workouts have plenty to offer. You will have to supplement I Want Those Arms with some chest and back work though.
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    New to Cathe - dare I try CTX?

    RE: Dare I try CTX? Absolutely My introduction to Cathe cardio was the CTX series. It took me a few times through the routines to pick up some of the moves, but it wasn't too difficult. I did have step experience, although I am somewhat choreo challenged. I feel safe in saying that if I can do...
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    favorite frozen meal

    Ben and Jerry's!!!}> :D
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    running club

    Hi Marla. You may want to call a speciality running store in your area; they will probably have information concerning local running clubs, clinics, etc.. An internet search could be helpful as well. I lived in Pittsburgh for several years (Ross Twp., Wexford, Squirrel Hill,) and although I ran...
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    To avid runners

    babydollsea, I think that it's good that you are including outdoor runs in your training program. There is a difference between running on a treadmill and running outdoors, although you can get an excellent workout doing either one. Alberto Salazar has a book, "Treadmill Training and Workout...
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    Ivanko Aerobic Bar

    I've had the Firm barbell (which I believe is the same as the Ivanko) for years (since Vol.6.) It still looks new and I've used it a lot. I have very small hands and haven't noticed that the padding is a problem. Maybe I've just become accustomed to it since it was my first barbell.
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    The only one in the world to eat.....

    RE: Yuck! I love exotic flavors, so I'm always game. I've been on a spring salad mix/mango/avocado/plum tomato/canned tuna/with raspberry-walnut viniagrette kick lately. Yummmm!!! Thanks for all the great ideas.
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    exercise in public....

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-02 AT 04:00PM (Est)[p]Hi Donna. Sounds like you're committed to starting a running program. I think that's great and when I see walkers/runners doing their thing, the first thing I feel is admiration regardless of their shape or speed. It takes discipline to push yourself...
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    Tamilee Webb

    I just recently got the DVD that has the arm, lower body, and ab workout. Although I haven't used the ab segments yet, I am very happy with the arm and legs/buns workout. Because Tamilee waste no time, these are short but effective workouts. I highly recommend the series.
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    How was I to know that Circuit Max....

    RE: Hey Cyberfit Alright jillian and Annette, that's just what I needed to hear. :7 Presently, I am in my scheming mode }> !