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  1. P

    Runners Check-In, Wed, 6.07.06

    Good afternoon Cheetahs:) Today was a hard 4mile run. Hard because I went out too late, and it was hot, hot, hot!! I had to walk most of the last mile because of the heat. Why did I wait until 11:30am to start when I live in sunny South Florida? x( Also my hrm broke 3minutes and 16...
  2. P

    runners check in 6/6/06

    Hello Cheetahs! The cruise was great! I had a really good time with my mom, my aunt, and my cousins. I did indulge in a few spirits and dessert, but I wasn't a glutton. Also, I worked out every day. Friday I did P90X Legs and Back in the cabin using the bands. Christine, I completely...
  3. P

    Runners Check-In TGIF June 2nd

    Hi everyone, I'm packed, and ready to set sail for Nassau, Bahamas. Today is supposed to be speedwork (5mi) and P90X Legs and Back, but I'm starving, and I don't think I'll have time after breakfast. I hate to save it for the ship, but I may have to do just that. Besides, I'm really sore...
  4. P

    Runner's Check In: June 1 Thursday

    Hi runners, Just a quick post today. Guess what, I'm going on a cruise tomorrow with my mom, my aunt, and several cousins. It's spur of the moment so I have a million things to do to get ready. I might end up making today a rest day since I already made plans to get together with friends...
  5. P

    Runner's check-in Wed. May 31

    Good morning runners! Today was a 3.5 mi run. Wow, what a difference time of day makes. 7:30am is much nicer than 9am. It was so nice. The air was cooler, the sun, while shining, was not hot. More runners were out too. It was a great run! Wendy, technically I started a year ago with...
  6. P

    RUNNERS May 29 Tuesday

    Hello everyone, Today was P90X Chest and Back (finally! :)) and Ab RipperX. Many thanks to the wise one who suggested doing the ab part first. I should probably do PlyoX too, but I doubt that will happen at this point. Good news, the extra weight that had me down last week is gone! I...
  7. P

    Runners Check In May 29 Monday

    Hi again, Wendy, I hope you enjoyed your getaway, and don't feel bad about the eating. We all have those weekends, and look -- you were right back at the gym today. :) Christine and Barb, thanks :), I was more embarassed than hurt (really embarassed! It was right across the street from...
  8. P

    Runners Check In May 29 Monday

    Hi Cheetahs! Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day. Went for a 7 mile slow run today (I think it was more like 7.5 or 8 -- my pedometer has to be wrong because it took forever!). Boy was it hot! The thing I've dreaded finally happened. I generally don't run on the sidewalk, but it...
  9. P

    Outdoor runners-quick question-HELP!

    So do I!:P I carry my phone, my garage door opener, my keys, my phone, and a small face cloth. I felt kind of dorky at first, but I feel better having my stuff just in case. I've been locked out without a phone before, and I don't want to experience it again. :)
  10. P

    runners check in 5/27

    Good afternoon runners, I didn't get that speedwork in yesterday so I did it this morning. This recovery week has actually been great. I'm feeling less sore and a lot stronger. I think I'll be ready for P90X on Monday. Laura, I hope you feel better soon! Judy, enjoy your 6.5 mile run...
  11. P

    Lost about Lost

    DH and I watch this show together every (Lost and Amazing Race are our weekly at home "dates" :)) I think "Hatchguy" and Jack met at the stadium about 3 years before the plane crash. Jack was running at the stadium because he didn't think there was any hope that the surgery he had performed on...
  12. P

    Runner's Check-in Friday, May 26

    Good morning cheetahs (I like that name :)), I typed a post yesterday, but I got distracted before hitting send, and by the time I returned to the computer it was gone. (No exercise other than biking with my son and his friend who are ages 3 and 4 respectively. :) I didn't elevate my hr, but...
  13. P

    Daily Check In: Thursday, May 25, 2006

    Hi everyone, Sandra, I love that quiet time too, although I confess I rarely use it for working out :). Even though I have the house to myself during the day, it's not the same because that's when I clean, do laundry, exercise, run errands, etc. At night when everyone is asleep, and all the...
  14. P

    Wed Daily check in May 24

    Hello, I've been mia lately because I've been checking in over at the runner's check in. Sandra, welcome back to the land of caffeine :). I remember giving it up when I was pregnant with C.J. I held off for several months after he was born too, but one day I had an espresso, then...
  15. P

    Runners Check-In May 24 Wednesday

    Good afternoon runners! Today is a much better day. :) I got my run in early today, and I followed the schedule -- nothing extra, well I ran a little faster than usual, but it felt good. :) Thanks everyone for letting me vent yesterday. I was really down yesterday, and truthfully I think...
  16. P

    Runner's Check-In 05/23

    Hi Gayle, Marcia (glad your physical went well. Hope you get some rest.), Karen, Carole(sounds like your massage was great!), Wendy (I've been a tm user off and on for the past 13 years, and I have to admit outside is better. :)), Jess, Sarah (great pics!), Elaine, Shelly, Cristine, Kristi (I...
  17. P

    runners check in 5/22

    Hi everyone, Wow, what a busy and active weekend everyone had! Congratulations Karen, Jess, Elaine, Laura, and Amy! Sounds like you each ran amazing races. Barb, glad you're feeling back on track especially since your race is right around the corner. Have fun training! Gayle, hope...
  18. P

    runners check in 5/19

    Good afternoon runners, Welcome Jess! :) Good luck Karen, Jess, Laura, and Elaine on your races tomorrow! Hope you have loads of fun, and also that you surpass any goals you may have set for yourselves. Barb, the talent show was really cute, and I saw some really talented 4th graders...
  19. P

    Runners' May 18 Tuesday

    Hi all, DD had a talent show this morning, the school had a book fair tonight at Barnes & Noble, and on top of that I had computer problems most of the day so no internet access this morning (aargh :)) Suffice it to say I haven't had a chance to read all the posts. Since everything is...
  20. P

    runners check in 5/16

    Good morning runners, Today is PUB + CC#4 or 5. Enjoy your rest day Laura. Thanks Shelly, my race is July 9. Carole, I hope your toe is better, and I hope you have fun today with your speedwork. We got the rain yesterday, and it hit hard! It stormed all night, and they predict it...