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  1. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Cardio today: did LowMax on a 8" platform, which I don't normally use. Knee started to hurt, so stopped around 35 mins and did 20 mins of core/planks and stretching. I have a second cardio on the books today at work. Weight is moving in the right direction .. slowly. I stopped by...
  2. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    I was really sore in my core after Disc 1 - I think it is the plank/pushups in that workout. I added Cardio Leg Blast several of the Meso 1 weeks - I liked having a second leg workout in there. I am SO hungry right now with Meso 2 this week. LOL Lots of protein to help fill me up.
  3. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Good morning gang! Today was Legs, Disc 14. I had 40 lbs db's scheduled for all deadlifts. I was able to do one full set, and one partial set before grip gave out. Had to move down to 35's for the rest of that work. Then had 35's scheduled for last set of squats, and couldn't grip that...
  4. *crazysoccermom*

    Earlier AM workouts

    I've been getting up at 5:10 since November, 5 days a week. Here's what I've learned: (1) Prep the night before: workout clothes and workout DVD so you don't have to think in the am. (2) Get to bed at the same time every night. Lights out at 10pm for me. (3) Get up when the alarm goes off...
  5. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Next Monday or Tuesday! Two pounds to go.
  6. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Good to know. I am hoping I hear from Customer Service today .. and that they can get a replacement disc to me by next Monday. If not, I'll just repeat Disc 16 again. * * * Today's working: HiiT from Cathe, 30:30 with some extra blasts repeated to account for some extra breathing...
  7. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Glad to be of service. Now .. Tell me I can lose 3 pounds by next Tuesday and we'll be good! LOL Double cardio this week! Long walks/runs on the weekend. We will see what happens. I may switch up the schedule for next Monday and do Cardios on M-W-F and weights on T-Th-Sat instead!
  8. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    That would have been a good idea! I just did Disc 16, which I didn't realize was 75% 1RM instead of 70% 1RM. I think next week I'll just Repeat Disc 16, and skip 13 completely.
  9. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    I think it's more likely that the switch back to an endurance workout has put your muscles into shock :)
  10. *crazysoccermom*

    Does your heart rate monitor act weird?

    I have a bluetooth Polar HR monitor. It started getting wonky and giving me obviously poor readings. I replaced the battery and it's been fine since then.
  11. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    oh no! I just tried to load Disc 13 (which is on schedule for tomorrow) and I have a disc error! I don't know what to do? I emailed customer support ... but should I sub in next weeks Disc instead? ugh! I went for a long (for me) run/walk. It was 5.13 miles in 1.25 hours. Ran about 3.5...
  12. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Today was a long walk along the beach while my son boogie boarded in the water. Went somewhere around 4.0-4.5 miles. A fast pace walk. Forgot my phone with my heartrate monitor/GPS tracker. Sigh. Got to listen to the surf, though. Walked at least an additional mile at Costco because of...
  13. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    The 5-2=0 is my issue right now :) Weekends are not as regulated as work days. Focus and preparation! This am I got up late, and got in 35 min of Cathe's Afterburn. Didn't do it 100%, and used light weights. Will hit gym at lunch today since I can make it at work. Superbowl: We are...
  14. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Went to the work gym a lunch today. 45 min of the treadmill (5 w/u, 10 steady state at 4.5, then intervals of 3.7 for 1.5 min and 6.0 for 1 min until around 37min, walk cooldown until 45min) Felt good to really get a good sweat. Followed with a few core exercises and a bit of stretching...
  15. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Which Amy's did you choose? I have everything except for her most recent. I agree with the Detox .. I've been too lenient on treats. I have a weigh in on the 10-11 of Feb and need to get moving. I think from here on out it will be lo carb, and next week will be double workouts on Weight...
  16. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    I'll be here until I'm done with Meso 3 :)
  17. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Back at it this morning. Pulled out IMAX3 - I don't think I've ever done it all the way thru, and it's been at least 5 years since I last attempted it. Did pretty well, all intervals 1-9 .. the step had a learning curve, so I wasn't as active as I will be once I know the workout like IMAX2...
  18. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    I wasn't feeling it this morning. Got thru 10 mins of Amy Bento's Hi Lo Extreme .. and gave up. Knees were aching, didn't want to be high energy. So pulled out Amy's Abs and Stretch and did 20 mins of that. Didn't make it to the stretch part .. I guess this is what rest and recovery...
  19. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    Morning ladies :) Sat I did Disc 11 - Back and Triceps. Then Sunday I did Disc 12 - Legs. Skipping the two cardios to put me into rest week. Phew. Today was an 'easy' cardio. Wasn't up to a lot of jumping after legs yesterday. Pulled out Step Blast and did 35 mins. Decided to cut...
  20. *crazysoccermom*

    STS January Check In - Welcome All!

    What a fun night! We did the same drills as the girls: 1 min of pushups - I did 30 (30!!!) on my toes, then 10-12 on my knees in 1 min. That was awesome. I've never done that many .. stopped at 15 before. Modified pull ups on low-bar - 30 seconds. Ha - that was funny. First bar...