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  1. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Tuesday December 15, 2015

    Hi ladies, today I did Hiit upper body circuit and bonus abs 2!Annette nit reaaly easy to lose weigth during Christmas but go on !! You are a star!!
  2. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check In, Monday December 14

    I did cardio core circuit this afternoon. Love this workout and Cathe's energy in this one!
  3. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check In, Weekend of December 12-13

    Hi there, sorry I did not check in. This week end my plans have been completely upset by a an awful cystitis which compelled me to stay at home these two days and to take pills as well. So my daily training was simply out of the question. I also had to give up my Christmas shopping....Feeling...
  4. Sandy Greek

    @DAILY CHECK IN December 11th@

    Hi Annette, congratulations to your son! It is so important to share this moments with family! Today it was xtrain chest, back and shoulder. Xtrain really is my fav series, the hardest training becomes pleasant. Have a good week end everybody
  5. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Thursday December 10, 2015

    Hi Cecififi, looks like you did great with your workout today! Many many compliments! I just drew inspiration from one of your latest check-ins and did Great Glutes today. I absolutely agree with you: that is a fab w/o. The floor work is so tough for me but I did manage to complete all of the...
  6. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Wednesday December 9, 2015

    Hi Annette enjoy your shopping. I am one of those women who need to go shopping when they are depressed and when they are happy! Very dangerous for my wallet and bank account. You know, we Italian are famous for our fashion industry: I simply cannot resist! Today it was Plyo Hiit one: my heart...
  7. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check In, Tuesday December 8

    Hi there, today I did, or I should say I tried, Cathe's High Rep. I prefer working the upper and lower body separately as I don't like working out more than an hour or so. I finished the w/o but didn't always manage to do all the required reps. Maybe I should go lighter next time. Tomorrow back...
  8. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Monday December 7, 2015

    Hi Annette, good news for all of your sons. I can only guess someone brought them up well! Today I did Cross Train Xpress Kickbox with biceps and abs work. I have to say Cross Train has got some really good abs sections!!!Have a good week start everybody.