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    Plank work very frustrating!!

    I found that to be the case too when I started doing the plank work after my pregnancy 10 months ago. But now that I have built up my chest muscles, I can do them without much "burn" in my shoulder area. I think the key is to keep it up and it will come. The first time I did them, I thought...
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    I agree with Bobbi. I am a junk food junkie but I make little rules of eating. For instance, I rarely eat anything sweet before 5 p.m. (I know, you are not supposed to eat sweets at night.) If I allow myself to eat sweets before then, I think I can eat them all day long. It's weird, but it...
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    Terrible heel pain

    RE: HMOs I already e-mailed you but after reading all these posts I feel I need to tell you that I don't think you need to stop working out. Please try the night splint, it is found at and is called Sure Step Night Splint for $56.99. I guarantee you will notice a...
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    Back of Heel Pain

    I don't know what you are doing for your heel pain. Just to let you know I have been there and back-it was a long journey. I even went so far as the cortisone injection. Ultimately what worked for me was a night splint I ordered from Road Runner Sports for about $50. They have a website...
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    Workout Check-In (10/16)

    RE: Workout Check-In (10/16) to Alison I love reading your posts! You are so enthusiastic! What caught my eye is your due date, 01/06/02. My last baby was due on the same day this year. He was 9 days late, the little stinker. He was just hanging in there getting fat, 9 lbs! I worked out...
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    Do any of you get this?

    I would get many comments from people who saw me out jogging when I was 6 months pregnant. Isn't it bad for the baby??? Isn't the baby bouncing all around in there??? Of course, at 6 months my pace was pretty slow but I still heard comments from people. I would just tell them that my doctor...
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    heartrate When I was pregnant last year my obstretrician told me a new study just came out regarding exercising during pregnancy. The new test for how hard you should work out during pregnancy is whether you can talk during your workout. You should listen to your body rather than go by the...
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    Thanks Lisa! My best 10K time was 40:32 when I was about 21 years old. I am 38 now and it is just hard to see your times get increasingly slower. But, it is a fact of life and I just feel lucky I can still run without any injury.
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    I knew I could count on you for a response. Great to hear from you. It is so weird, I feel like I know you since I love your tapes and do them ALL the time. I wish you the best with your pregnancy. I have a 9 month old so it wasn't too long ago that I was in your shoes. I remember being...
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    running + body frame

    RE: running body frame Just curious, how do you make those cute smiley faces? Many people who post on this site have the cutest little icons. Where are they coming from?
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    running + body frame

    I have been an avid runner for 20 years, I even ran during all 3 pregnancies. I am now 38 and rarely run two days in a row. I have never had any serious injuries because of running. I presently run 3-4 times a week 5 to 6 miles at a time. Reflecting back, I wish I did more cross-training...
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    I have triceps!

    Awesome! I think triceps are the hardest arm muscles to work. I don't know HOW Cathe does those french presses with a 25 lb barbell, kills me with 8 lb dumbells. If you don't have Power Hour, I suggest it. It is great as you work all your muscle groups in an hour, including legs. The tempo...
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    Cathe- I am sure you are very busy but I log on every night to see if you posted an update on how you are doing. We all love to read your spontaneous updates. I would love to know how you are doing with your pregnancy, how much are you working out, do you have morning sickness? Thanks for...
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    breathing while pushing

    LEELA With regard to the movement question, it happens. The nurse does not say anything and it is whisked away without any embarrassment as it is quite common. In the old days, an enema was part of the "prep" for delivery which also included shaving the pubic area. Thank goodness those days...
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    Fraidy Cat planning baby #4.

    One thing I remember from each of my pregnancies (3) is the dreaded prospect of gaining and then having to lose all that weight. I gained 31 lbs with each pregnancy and worked out religiously with each pregnancy. It took me at least 6 months to get the weight off. My newest baby is 8 1/2...
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    Unexpected #3

    I was 32 when my husband had a vasetomy after our 2nd daughter was born. When I turned 35, all I could think about was having another baby, it was consuming me. My husband had a dream one night that I wanted another baby. I told him I did and we tossed around the idea of reversal. He had the...
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    Unexpected #3

    GO for it if you want another one. My girls were 5 and 7 when I had my baby boy last January. It has been nothing but WONDERFUL. It's always "worth it" as you state when a baby is involved. Believe me, it is much less chaotic when you have older children.
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    JUST FOUND OUT......

    That is so weird...I was checking this forum to see if there was any news from you on the "baby front." I knew you wanted more children so I thought I would see if there was anything going on in that respect!! Congratulations!! You and I have boys about a year apart, mine was born on 1/15/01...
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    Is 38 too old to have another child?

    Wow- I am surprised at the comments here. I just had my last baby in Jan at age 37 1/2 and all I could think about was the possibility of complications. You certainly can have your first baby at age 38 but the risk of complications does increase after age 35, including the risk of Down's...
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    Cathe/Sheila: I had a baby 11 weeks ago. I ordered your new videos a few weeks ago and I see you have introduced a new ab exercise called planks (I think.) Anyway, they are extremely difficult for me to do. I have diastasis recti; do you think I should wait any specific time period before I...