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  1. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Don't feel bad about hormonal horrors, the invisible, uncontrollable thing that comes over you... Off to work out. I'm thinking PUB/PLB combo. We shall see. The house smells heavenly with the scents wafting from crockpot!
  2. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Carolyn, how FAB you slept till 9!!!!!! We slept later and I hate it. Wasted an hour or two sleeping! I'll blame it on the plumbing place calling, then my doc's office calling and interrupting our sleep this morning. Multitasking like mad now....
  3. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Good morning! We have LOTS of snow. Whiteout conditions. Work and dr appt cancelled. Haven't worked out yet. Think I'll pay my bills and start split pea soup on slow cooker first.
  4. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Hey gals, 3 out of the 7 of us are in Patriots nation. Vote for the Patriots!
  5. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Hi friends! School was cancelled in late afternoon. I went to my PA job today instead of tomorrow. But I have my ob/gyn appt tomorrow aft, so don't know if it'll happen.:-/ Sitting in front of the Pats game, er, Super Bowl. Marie, I forgot to say that molten lava cake is to die for! I just...
  6. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Hi friends. Got up, made brunch (pancakes today), showered, hit the library, insane crowds at Whole Foods & Costco, came home to my cousin who stopped by, then headed to babysit my bro's kids (still here). Super frigid gusts and only 18 today! Carolyn, love hearing about your buys! Have not...
  7. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Thanks, Jean!
  8. bpcw

    STS first time!

    No accumulation today but don't worry, we'll get some. Nothing new to report.
  9. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Good morning! Where are y'all? Living a life?? It's cloudy and possibly flurrying the tiniest invisible flakes. Snow tonight and Monday. The dam has burst. TGIF but no complaints here for the broken up week. I set out to do RWH arms but ended up with XT C/B/Sh. Love XT! Have a great day.
  10. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Missy, what hormone do you apply topically? Progesterone? I don't know anything about these and I want something natural, non-animal. Like estriol made from yams?? Dh and I have the BigL finale on right now, only because we've got nothing else to watch. I'm sitting on my rump surfing and...
  11. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Hiho. Today reached 35 degrees. It felt good. Mary & Missy, glad you got your dental issues taken care of and it's in your rearview mirror (as Travis would say)! I watched DA this aft and paused at that moment, but now I can't remember the exact words! It's to the effect of a new career or...
  12. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Good sunny frigid morning. I had planned to get up and do arms. I know, I know. On a Thursday?! 4 days in a row?! Not. When the alarm rang, I was super tired. I slept on. Oh well. I feel virtuous nonetheless, having gotten UY in. Sidewalks are the homeowners' responsibility. You can...
  13. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Mary, I can't believe you guys have a 3rd day! My dh spends so much time on the sidewalks (we are on a corner!), as well as shoveling out the public bus stop, and the school bus stop. A lot of people don't bother with their sidewalks! You're walking along a nicely shoveled one and then stop...
  14. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Hello, Ellie! She looks like a Swiss snow patrol dog! How cute! We just finished making sushi, which ds learned in school. It was messy but tasty. And very filling. And before that..... I did PRS#1, unrushed and in its entirety. It's lovely to just do it with a clear mind and unrushed time...
  15. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Jean, I agree with Carolyn! In exactly the same order! So funny! Sorry I'm not much help either. And may I now say, OMG! I LOVE your dining room set. It's Shaker looking and I love the clean lines. I love the decor, the curtains, your modern home! Drool... I love that you went to a thrift...
  16. bpcw

    STS first time!

    I hate that I'm up so late! Was catching up on TV. Now doing OP. And making my millet. Carolyn, for sure PT helped. And Cathe. If I hadn't been loose and limber from exercising weekly, I would have been tight and anxiously stiff. Still snowing out! Not accumulating much more though. Nighty...
  17. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Jean, that's quite coincidental both your dhs are named Frank! Dh's family has this funky thing going where both his sisters are married to Peters; two uncles are married to Stellas; there are two Gregs (one is just a boyfriend); and I can't remember what else. I'll think of it later. I laughed...
  18. bpcw

    STS first time!

    I have no work tomorrow!:D. I won't waste it though! I will do a long workout, like I used to be able to do. Hmm, what to do? I already did KPC! Maybe all of PRS 1 and then some weights?? Idk. Will need to shovel out tomorrow for sure.
  19. bpcw

    STS first time!

  20. bpcw

    STS first time!

    Great mental health day today!!!