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  1. S

    Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells

    good deals After reading this post and the other posts about good deals, it sounds like I'm going to have to become a member of Sam's Club. Thanks, everyone, for responding. I learn so much from this site.
  2. S

    Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells

    I'll give it a try Thanks for the suggestion! I'll give it a try. The only problem is that I'll have less weight since my ankle weights add 5#. But I am definitely going to give it a try. Thanks again.
  3. S

    Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells

    glad I'm not the only one Glad to hear that you use the dumb bells, too. I've looked for a barbell but can't seem to find "the right one" (at the right price). The ankle weights that I use are the sand-filled and they make a nice padding on the shoulders.
  4. S

    Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells

    Irish? Irish? You bet and proud of it! You don't hear the name 'Colleen' very often these days. I guess that's okay.
  5. S

    Bar Bell vs. Dumb Bells

    Hello. Like so many, I'm new to this site and love it. My question is... In MIS, you use a 35# bar bell. I do not have a barbell but have many sizes of dumb bells. To get the most out of the lower body workout, I place 2.5# (each) leg weights over my shoulders and rest 15# (each) dumb bells...