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  1. C

    Thought provoking question

    Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for sharing your routine. What kind of results did you get with the weight-oriented tapes of the Body Blast series? They just didn't seem to work for me, or perhaps I was not going heavy enough. Cristianne
  2. C

    Thought provoking question

    Hi Pinky, >I'm also an ecto and find the PS series and the Pyramids to be >most effective. I use S&H to break plateaus and boredom. I >used only these three series last November and December and >barely did any cardio. I got fabulous results. That's terrific. How did you use the...
  3. C

    Thought provoking question

    Hi Jane, Thanks for your suggestions. Those would be great combos. I do have Legs and Glutes. Unfortunately, I have an old leg injury and for some reason there are certain workouts such as L&G and LL that my leg just won't tolerate no matter how much I modify. As it is, in terms of the ones that...
  4. C

    Thought provoking question

    Another correction, in the S&H rotation, I meant Shoulders, triceps and biceps on Wednesday. I accidentally wrote Chest, triceps and biceps. Chest is done on Monday. Sometimes if I am too sore from Wednesday, I will wait another day before doing a full body workout.
  5. C

    Thought provoking question

    Sorry everyone, Oops, I should have given more time to this in terms of explanations. Regarding the pyramids, I pyramid up, as in use increasingly heavier weights for three sets as in the premix. Moreover, I do not superset the two exercises. I do the chest press, rest during the chest fly, then...
  6. C

    Thought provoking question

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, but I am not new to Cathe. I have been lurking here for ages. Yesterday as I was pumping with Cathe, I thought that I wish someone would pose this question because it would be interesting to see what each of you would come up with. Then it hit me, DUH, why...