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  1. G

    ::::CHEETAHS::::Terrrrrrific Tuesday!

    Hey Cheetahs! I am too busy for personals and will be for the rest of the work week, sorry! I will do what I can for now. The lottery for NYC is tomorrow, and I will be with NO Internet until 9 pm! I gave Andy the link and will be calling him while I am on the island to check it for me. He...
  2. G


    Hello Cheetah friends! Cathy: Enjoy the TT. We found out who our new principal will be. She is currently our curriculum director and great, so I am very pleased. My mind has been put to ease. Kath: I hear you on the busy, but fun week! Shelly: Very nice to have two weeks off...
  3. G


    It is officially the last week of school! :) I do have a data meeting so I need to get there early! I will work out soon and talk to everyone later! Have a fantastic day!
  4. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sunday sMiles

    Cathy: I worked in an affluent school once. It was at a catholic shool in the city I graduated college from. I actually LOVED it. I just could not live below the poverty level though. I made $19,600 my first year. It was the best experience I have had. I enjoyed mass every Wednesday. It...
  5. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sunday sMiles

    Cathy: We have been doing a lot of shop talk haven't we? We cannot change the world on the Cathe forums unfortunately! :) Carole: How nice. :)
  6. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sunday sMiles

    I am one who has suffered on the long runs. I say do 10 again. Just my opinion. I had no sleep the night before my half marathon in Missoula and while I was running I just kept thinking of my friends and Andy who drove the distance to see me finish the race. (It is a 5 hour drive from...
  7. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: Sunday sMiles

    Good Morning Cheetahs! I am exhausted! It must be all the socializing I had to do yesterday! Cathy: I can see the good/bad as to why someone would want their child de-classified from special ed. However, they are entitled to free education until they are 26! It seems every parent would...
  8. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: everything Zen Saturday

    Hello Cheetahs! Cathy: Good choice on changing the workout plans! Oooh, vocal parents can sometimes be a bad thing, hopefully it's good for you! The shower was tolerable. Although I did get lost a bit, and was thinking of your GPS comment! LOL! The IEP was about a student who just...
  9. G

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: everything Zen Saturday

    Hey Cheetahs! Quick check in here, sorry gals! :-( Not sure if I have the time to work out today. I have to go and get ready for this blasted baby shower. x( I despise things like this, but have to be a good DIL! May be back later! Have a great day ladies! :)
  10. G

    :::CHEETAHS::: TGIF!!!

    Hey Cheetahs! Just woke up from a nap. Quick post for me (I will do some personals tomorrow). The IEP went well, details to follow in a later post! :) I ended up running this morning because I ran out of time for anything else. Did 4 miles in who knows how long! LOL! Tomorrow I will be...
  11. G

    :::CHEETAHS::: TGIF!!!

    Cathy: My patience has been tested this year. It has been an incredible learning experience though. I just do not understand some parents! I have two who reward their children for being bad! WTH! My parents would have killed me for that!
  12. G

    :::CHEETAHS::: TGIF!!!

    Good morning Cheetahs! I am still in an uproar re: this kid and his IEP. I will speak the truth during the meeting though. I am in need of a good sweaty workout! BBL!