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  1. I

    Lurker Invitations Check-In, January

    Okay, so here I am... Hi All! I have the decided to get "out of the Lurker closet" and join in. Real name is Sherry, have been working out with Cathe for a long time now although the last year not so much....boyfriend had a stroke....had a job that was just too much 6 days a week and 12-16...
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    Hurricane Katrina

    Prayers for you and your family, A-Jock!! We just heard that our DD will be headed to NO on Thursday...she is Military Police currently stationed in Kansas. They are, of course, going because they expect looters! I wish the world was like it is in here, then it wouldn't be necessary to send in...
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    Natural Cures

    I don't have this book but I do have Dr. Don Colbert's book What You Don't Know May be Killing You! and it has some really good info in it! :-)
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    Length vs. Belly of Bicep in Muscle Max

    Still not Cathe. But, the Biceps Brachii has 2 heads a long and a short, one originates at the scapula and the other at the humerus. The different exercises involve both heads but with different squats with different foot placements involve different leg muscles more. Hammer...
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    What is your middle name?

    >Mine is Ann as well. My parents were so lazy, they couldn't >bother to tack an "E" on the end. > >Becky parents picked up the "E" and put it on mine, Kaye!! Sherry Kaye. :P
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    August Rotation - Monday 8/8

    Hi All, Lori, I just started today as well. Better late than never...right? Now I have to go out of town on Wed and Thurs for work so I'll have to substitute workouts! x( Think I'll jump ahead and do week 3s Monday workout and a run! Great work everyone! Sherry
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    Cedie, Brenda, Lorraine & Jai

    From what I read in their "bios" they do all teach some kind of class...not sure where they teach tho! :-)
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    Who has married more than once?

    Okay this is my first post on this site...but just had to say 3rd times a charm!!!! :7