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  1. Jaffas

    Anyone want to be FB (Facebook) friends???

    I sent you a friend request and filed you under Catheletes!
  2. Jaffas

    Animal Adoption

    Great pictures. I love volunteering at our local Humane Society.
  3. Jaffas

    Travel Agent or No Travel Agent?

    I've been on a few cruises. I used to get incredible discounts as an airline employee, but now go through I'm the opposite of the kind of person who plans everything in advance. We got a really good deal on a Panama canal cruise but it was a last minute thing, we booked it so...
  4. Jaffas

    Eat, Pray, Love- can't wait to see it!

    You're not alone. I didn't like the book at all (I only read it because my mom kept pestering me about it) and I don't like Julia Roberts. I have no plans on seeing the movie.
  5. Jaffas

    TV shows that I ALWAYS watch

    The Office 30 Rock Entourage Bill Maher Mad Men Big Bang Theory Rachel Maddow (when DH is not around, he hates politics) Pets on Parade (a local show featuring pets up for adoption at the AZ Humane Society) Treme (out of loyalty to David Simon for creating The Wire more than for the show...
  6. Jaffas

    TV shows I will never watch

    Anything on day time. Even though I work at home, the earliest the T.V. comes on is 4:30 p.m., and that's only because DH likes to watch Jeopardy, when that's over it get turns off until after dinner. Fox News. All reality shows and contest shows - unless my dear friend ever manages to get on...
  7. Jaffas

    Anyone following the World Cup?

    That's one of the reasons I love it. Every four years I can handle going absolutely insane for a few weeks. In Europe they show the games on big screens in public squares. If your country wins a match people party in the streets. NO ONE works while their country is playing, employers know this...
  8. Jaffas

    Anyone following the World Cup?

    It is the only sporting event I follow. I lived in Italy in 1982 when they won and have been an avid World Cup fan ever since. Every four years, for three weeks, I become one of the biggest sports fans on the planet.
  9. Jaffas

    Came home, found my sweet baby kitty, dead

    I'm so sorry. I lost two cats last year, one suddenly and inexplicably like your Murphy. As hard as it was to lose Slinky to cancer at least we got to be there with him when they put him to sleep and we knew we'd done everything possible, Squirt was just snatched away from us. I still miss both...
  10. Jaffas

    Natalie Holloway's alleged killer

    I wouldn't be surprised if the prisons in Peru are so bad that he's wishing he'd been arrested in Aruba in the first place. Hopefully his family won't be able to help him get out of this now that it's different country.
  11. Jaffas

    Hey Tricia! Syzygy314!

    I'd give this thread 10 stars if I could! Tricia is the nicest person ever!
  12. Jaffas

    The 'Skinny B#@ch Diet"

    Wow, you got through the whole book? I applaud you! I was so disgusted with their approach that I put it back on the shelf after reading the first page. If they think they're doing anything to inspire people to switch to veganism they're mistaken.
  13. Jaffas

    Am I the only person that didn't like Avatar?

    I didn't like it. I saw it in Imax 3D and for the first 30 minutes the visuals were amazing enough to keep me entertained. After that the lame plot and the one dimensional characters started getting on my nerves. I also thought there was just too much blue! I almost fell asleep half way through...
  14. Jaffas

    The Weirdest Things on your iPod?

    When I was 14 I used to sneak off to the local Big Boy with a friend where we would listen to Tom Jones on the jukebox over and over. We'd have been so embarrassed if any of our friends had found out - we hung out with the Jimmi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc. crowd. I don't have any music on...
  15. Jaffas

    Anyone else not have a use for ipad?

    I definitely do not need one. Having said that I really, really want one. I don't have many toys, no gaming device of any kind, no recreational vehicles, lots of exercise equipment but I'd hardly call that toys. I have an iPod touch and I love it. The iPad seems like an iPod touch on steroids. I...
  16. Jaffas

    Help finding lost wedding ring

    Uh, not true. I lost mine after losing 50lbs. We kept meaning to go to have it resized. I don't have an engagement ring (was never really into those) so it was just the gold band, but I was upset anyway. We did replace it, inscription and all, and we're still happily married!
  17. Jaffas

    Kitty allergies?

    ITA - A quick trip to the vet will determine if it is an upper respiratory infection. URI is easy to treat, the vet will give you an antibiotic, but dangerous if left untreated. It is possible that it's just allergies - one of my cats gets them - but you really want to be sure.
  18. Jaffas

    Are you going to get the ipad?

    I really want one but can't justify the cost.
  19. Jaffas

    Seriously $400 Lego set for an 8 year old?

    Well I don't have kids so my opinion doesn't really count. My first reaction was that any parent would be crazy to spend that much on some Legos but after reading other parents' posts it didn't seem so insane. After clicking on the link I thought - "I hope DH never sees this 'cause he'll want one!"
  20. Jaffas

    Italy anyone?

    I lived in Italy for 17 years. I would highly recommend the wine tour suggested by Lorrayne. It will take you to some of the most beautiful places in Italy. I actually know the owner of one of the wineries on the tour - although he was more a friend of my ex (jerk) bf than mine. In a way...