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  1. gettingfitmom

    Colonoscopy diet? (vegan) not TMI

    I had one in January and did not have to diet a week before, just had to drink the lovely cocktail of merilax and gatorade. Good luck!
  2. gettingfitmom

    Dyson or Oreck...pros and cons?

    I am looking to replace my canister vacuum. Would like an upright but can't decide. Anyone have either? I have about 90% hardwood/tile, 10% area rugs/carpet. Do have 2 dogs and cats in the house. Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. gettingfitmom

    Greg in the warm-up! Annoying

    Hhmmm...never really took notice, but I will next time!
  4. gettingfitmom

    It's countdown time...What to do?

    I did pre-order the new series and have both Xtrain and Low Impact. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Xtrain and hardly do any of the Low Impact series. I am eagerly awaiting the new series...
  5. gettingfitmom

    What is the best state of mind/attitude to have?

    I do not believe, fatuously, that "everything happens for a reason nor that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." These are just platitudes uttered when people lack internal resources and just accept and resign themselves to rubbish and hardship. Maddiesmum... I agree with...
  6. gettingfitmom

    What are the best shoes for hardwood?

    I myself use a Nike Cross trainer.....
  7. gettingfitmom

    Is Physical Therapy Worth the Trouble?

    I honestly would try the Epley Maneuver again. I was told to sleep sitting up for two nights afterwards and avoid bending over for the same amount of time. They sometimes put on a neck brace after the maneuver too. Good Luck!
  8. gettingfitmom

    Denise Austin must be stopped!

    I am sure we that post are not perfect...I know I'm not.
  9. gettingfitmom

    Denise Austin must be stopped!

    Thank you for the math lesson...
  10. gettingfitmom

    Why is life so hard?

    When I feel life is hard, I think of my best friend who was in a car accident last year and is now a quadriplegic at age 53. Somehow life doesn't seem so bad... A bad day is temporary...It's like I tell my kids, when you think life sucks, just remember...someone has it better than you, but...
  11. gettingfitmom

    Denise Austin must be stopped!

    Like a few other posters' have said, she did get me started in fitness too. I personally think she looks great for being 55 years old. But I love Cathe and honestly, she can't be beat!
  12. gettingfitmom

    very sad:

    My doctor has me on dietary supplements thru Orenda: Orenda Immune capsules, O-Tropin spray (you spray under the tongue) and Oki Aronia juice blend. Am on 3rd month and do notice a difference in energy and sleep. This doctor also prescribes bio-identical hormone replacement cream. Waiting on...
  13. gettingfitmom

    very sad:

    I just had a golf ball size fibroid cyst removed from my uterus last week. Pap smear was abnormal...had fibroid sent for tests...waiting to hear. Hope this is the answer to my heavy periods.
  14. gettingfitmom

    very sad:

    This this was me at the beginning of the year. I finally took a friend's advice (after my husband telling me I wasn't fun anymore) and went to the Doctors. Had blood work done and hormone levels were VERY low and thyroid was high. Am in the process of leveling my levels out and feel so much...
  15. gettingfitmom

    Anyone out there ever experienced the Epley Maneuver?

    I had vertigo last winter. ENT doc did the procedure on me and it worked great. I would try again. I remember the doc saying it might take a few try's . Good luck
  16. gettingfitmom

    Metamorphise by TracyAnderson

    Not sure if there is a post on this...but has anyone tried her??? Like or dislike? Would appreciate feed back. Thanks
  17. gettingfitmom

    I am not obsessed. I enjoy it!

    I don't get the comments as much as when I try to talk to friends about working out, they get a glazed look...most of my friends do not work out...but have weight ans back pain issues. Since working out ( I started about 7 years ago) I am back to within 10 pounds of my High School
  18. gettingfitmom

    Title for next Spin Bike DVD...

    Sitting here this PM after doing Xtrain Ride this morning, and was thinking of a name for Cathe's next one...there is Cycle Max, Ride, and the upcoming Petal Power...I was thinking: Spinning Wheels, or Wheels go Round in Circles. Can you tell I have too much time on my hands? Any other...
  19. gettingfitmom

    Next Spin Bike DVD name...

    Sitting here this PM after doing Xtrain Ride this morning, and was thinking of a name for Cathe's next one...there is Cycle Max, Ride, and the upcoming Petal Power...I was thinking: Spinning Wheels, or Wheels go Round in Circles. Can you tell I have too much time on my hands?
  20. gettingfitmom

    Just to do it - or progress it

    At this point in my life, I am doing what I can. I am 51 and just had my hormone levels checked. VERY low in estrogen my level is 3 and normal range is 250!!!!! Progesterone level is <.05 and should be in the 2.0 range. Dr. says she is amazed I am even functioning. I feel very exhausted most...