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  1. F

    Today I did my very 1st Cathe workout!!!!

    "In fact, it took me the better part of 4-5 months just to be able to make it through entirely and only on the step....NO risers!!!" Yep, I did mine on my 6 inch top portion of the transfirmer. I don't think I will EVER go to 8 inches....not because I'm scared or new to Cathe...I've just...
  2. F

    Today I did my very 1st Cathe workout!!!!

    "She has such a great sense of humor" I know, I was so surprised during the "arm lift-up" things in core max and she starts struggling to get up and says "I know your thinking "How's that happening?" It was so funny!
  3. F

    Who else feels like crud when they don't exercise???!!

    In addition to feeling like jello and losing apetite, anyone know why we also feel extrememly tired too?
  4. F

    Is PX90 hard on your knees?

    For those that are saying the actual moves themselves are not bad, in and of themselves. But what about repeated use of the moves over time....are they harmless in general, but can they cause damage from doing them repeatedly over the course of 90 days?
  5. F

    Question to all the ex-firmers

    I too got free membership for about a year! Now that I have come to the Cathe boards, I realize just how much the Firm boards lack in fitness knowledge. No offense to these people, but even before I came to Cathe's site, I always suspected that folks on the Firm did not always know what they...
  6. F

    Yoga Booty?

    I previewed about 4 Yoga Booty's from Netflix, and did one of them. I HATED it too! It is not a workout at all. I even thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt and considered using it for rest days, but the woman are so annoying, as is the music, and the moves are just plain weird. I got...
  7. F

    Who else feels like crud when they don't exercise???!!

    Jennifit: OMG! I felt like Jello too! What's that all about anyway, and why does that happen? I also had no appetite! Again, what is that all about?
  8. F

    Today I did my very 1st Cathe workout!!!!

    I'm an advanced ex-firmie and today did my very first Cathe workout! Low Max! When I previewed it yesterday, I was like "YIKES!" in terms of the intensity and the choreography. Just the warm-up alone looked like the toughest part of a Firm cardio segment! But I thought "Well, I can see ways...
  9. F

    Who else feels like crud when they don't exercise???!!

    I just spent a torturous 10 days not exercising AT ALL, because I had overstressed my wrists and shoulders and knees and wanted to give them a real nice break. Holy cow! I felt like complete and total crap the whole 10 days! I've never been sooooo tired! My sciatic nerve in my leg acted up...
  10. F

    what's a good fitness magazine

    I got 2 free samples of Women's Health a few months ago, but did not like it at all because it was not strictly a fitness magazine...there seemed to be a lot of fluff about make-up, dating, etc., not to mention way too many ads...
  11. F

    what's a good fitness magazine

    I'm looking for a "serious" fitness magazine. Well, not a hard-core bodybuilding one....but not a fluff one either that is just going to keep recycling the "6 secrets to flat abs" article! Plus, I really get annoyed with magazines that are 75% ads and only 25% articles...and even in that...
  12. F

    Cheating men......

    Not to discount the raw deal you got....but like others are saying, be thankful you are not married to him and do not have kids with this puts you in the fortunate position to make a clean break and not have to be dragged down by all the drama, whereas the others who are affected have...
  13. F

    Did anyone else used to think they didn't like working out?

    Years ago, I would go on an exercise kick that lasted 3 weeks, then I would not touch exercise again for 3-6 always cycled that way. My biggest excuse was always "But I'm too tired to exercise!" And now....being to tired is my biggest excuse TO exercise! The more tired I am, the...
  14. F

    My last dance with the FIRM

    I was so annoyed because today I was expecting delivery of Low Max and Core Max as I was officially starting Cathe workouts today....and they did not come in the mail as expected! So, I was forced to do a Firm cardio workout....and in a way, I think it was a blessing in disguise! As I was...
  15. F

    What to eat before a workout?

    I've seen posts on what to eat before a workout. But I am concerned about the calorie levels. Some are suggesting 250 calories of pre-workout snacks, followed by 250 calories of post-workout snacks. 500 extra calories just in workout snacks seem high to me. Is it OK then to keep the pre and...
  16. F

    the firm

    "Do you love that they recently released a 20 minute (!) "sculpting" video that used ANOTHER version of the Sculpting Stick?" But it's a NEW AND IMPROVED sculpting stick! See, just change the color to green, and tweak the weights of the separate pieces by one pound, and VOILA, you've got a...
  17. F

    the firm

    "You'd get more of a workout beating them with the sculpting stick" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :-) :-)
  18. F

    the firm

    ""I wouldn't touch a Firm workout with a ten foot pole." Or, do you mean "their versatile sculpting stick?" Or how about this one: "The sculpting stick is a great tool for touching our latest crappy DVDs and weights with"
  19. F

    Infomercial trend - have you noticed?

    "Some also pay people who are in shape to get out of shape, then use their products while getting back into shape. It's much easier for someone who was once in great shape to get back into it than for someone to get their for the first time." I have been thinking the EXACT same thing with...
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    Kevin Trudeau's "Weight Loss Cure"

    RE: Kevin Trudeau's Great links! (although I'd be cautious of the ABC News and Washington Post articles, as the government and mass media are one and the the mass media obviously has a reason to discredit Trudeau in order to protect it's parent, the government.) It's just too bad...