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  1. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Hi Missy. Yep I still use my rebounder. I am so excited for my treadmill. I don't think I'll be pre ordering the new cathe. I should give her workouts a try to see how my knee does. I've been thinking about doing after burn to see how my knee responds. Sorry to hear about your ankle. That...
  2. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Marie. I hope b feels better soon Betty I hope you have a great day at work Missy hope your ankle is doing better. Carolyn hope your feel ok too. Today was ballet body. It's going to be a hot one today. Stay cool!
  3. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Thanks all for the warm welcome back. I'm glad to be back. Moving is so stressful. Our new house already feel like home and the kids just love it. Ds and dd spent all weekend in the driveway playing. Our old driveway was on a hill and wasn't conducive to playing on it. They have adjusted very...
  4. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Mary Congratulations on your promotion!!!!
  5. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Morning! Missy and Carolyn. I hope you both feel better soon. Pls get to a doc to see what's going on. I will post picks of mt workout room once I get the treadmill on Thursday. I don't have my mirrors up yet either. In time. I'm also going to try to get dh to agree to get a wall mounted...
  6. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Hi Ladies!!!! I've missed you all. It's been a crazy few weeks. Not sure the last time I checked in, but we moved into our new house on the 5th. We are pretty much fully unpacked other than the basement. Yesterday I finally got my workout room setup. It is so nice! I just love it. DH bought...
  7. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Happy birthday Betty!!
  8. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Hi friends! So sorry to be MIA. To say the least it's been hectic with everything we have going on. 5 weeks till we move! The new house is coming along great. My kitchen cabinets got installed yesterday. It so excited to see everything come together with the house. With preparing our...
  9. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    I understand the age gap. Mine are almost 4 years apart. When they do play is usually dd bossing ds around. We struggle all the time with DD looking like a hobo. All she wants to wear in sweatpants. We just let her and last week she said she doesn't like wearing them now as she looks sloppy (our...
  10. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    We do the same. It's useless to talk to her when she's in her mood. We just walk away and hope that she will calm herself down. This mornings battle was about shorts. She Went crazy because we didn't want her too because it was only 38 out out this am. We decided it wasn't a battle to pick since...
  11. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Yes. For real she acts that way. Just tonight she came home from soccer and started acting crazy over us asking her to take a shower. When she gets this way she acts younger than our 5 year old son. We are seriously considering taking her to see a therapist.
  12. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Missy I hope you feel better.
  13. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Hi girls! Carolyn OMG. You DD sounds just like mine. She has carried on that exact same way. It's exhausting. We took DD to CHOP yesterday. It could be pre celiac based on her labs and it could be acid reflux. She is starting meds to see if it is acid reflux. if it does not help then she...
  14. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Thanks girls for yiur kind words Betty so proud of you for getting your workout on before work. This morning I did 2 30 min p57 workouts. I had to cut the last one short since I was running late. So as it turns out in November we had blood work done for dd and they did a celiac but never...
  15. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    She is showing severe gas all up and down her stomach. She has to go in tomorrow for blood work. We are hoping it's not celiac. We never had the kids tested after my diagnosis.
  16. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    I'm sorry Carolyn. I hope she feels better. My DD has been the same. We actually had to pick her up early yesterday and today due to stomach pain. She is so emotional. I took her to the doctor this afternoon. She is such a worry wart. She actually had to get an X ray. We are waiting to find...
  17. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Thanks guys. It was a tough decision but we are excited. We've never built a home before. Carolyn I sympathize with DD acting crazy. Mine is at that stage at well. I don't get it and it's totally stressful as well. Betty. How are you liking your new job? Remember last year when my boss...
  18. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Congratulations Missy on the weight loss and 5K. Very proud of you! Has Tim decided on his job? DD was sick with the stomach bug this weekend. She is much better today and off to school. I did p57 on both Saturday Sunday and today. I'm following their March rotation and they had two 30...
  19. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Yep. Same district and same school no change for the kiddies! !
  20. cdimatt

    STS first time!

    Good morning. Had it really been since the 9th? It's been crazy lately. Last week I had to travel for work and this week I was in a 3 day workshop. Last week I kept up with workouts this week I've been exhausted and I didn't workout Tuesday and Wednesday. We also are super busy at home. We...