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  1. chefkate

    My son the liar!!

    Pam, Hang in there. My oldest pulled that around his age & made it thru just fine! Stick to your guns & you'll both come out ahead!
  2. chefkate

    new pure barre dvds

    Karie, I was hopin' YOU were right!:D
  3. chefkate

    Disturbing Info - BP Oil Spill

    Sad sad sad. DH & I were just talking about how much must go on behind the scenes and how awful it all is....
  4. chefkate

    Did first Turbo Fire today

    I ordered TF today! I CANNOT wait to get it! I am a sucker for good music & this set seems like it will deliver!
  5. chefkate

    Arm Toning ?

    JEN!!!! How ARE you?!?!? How is your BABY?!?! Not so baby anymore tho, huh? We've got TODDLERS now! How did that happen?! Back to your question:o.... I love PUB and GS for UB work.:D
  6. chefkate

    Physique 57

    Marcy, Awesome reviews! And to the OP...I highly recommend Pure Barre. I have her 1st 3 and they are exceptional! Completely reshaped my hind-end and legs!:D
  7. chefkate

    new pure barre dvds

    I'm pretty sure there are just 2 new Wo's - Lowry Lofts beg/int and an advanced one. I ordered both! I love Carrie's workouts!
  8. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    Hi Girls! Busy day. Clean eats & sweaty Wos! 2 parks, out to lunch, cooking, playing, and sad...had to pick up my mom from her drs appt because she was too sick w/ her MS to drive home. I felt so bad for her. gotta go tend to my chillun...I'll try to bb for personals.
  9. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    robin, how does that schedule work w/ your kids? a massage sounds wonderful!!! have a great wo!
  10. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    angie,ooooooh! dont talk abt babies like that! youre gonna make me want one!!:p you will be so happy to see your fam again! glad youve had fun! stocking up/packing american food?!:D kl, have fun w/ your girls today! sorry abt the lcharms...but prob only 200 cals & low coulda...
  11. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    nina, glad you had a good start to your day! & wtg on clean eats! imo, cleaning can always wait!;):p:D go have fun!:D:D the girls were sooooo excited to go away overnight! isabel had verbal diarrhea that wouldn't quit!:p:p:p:p it will be nice when we can ship ju out too!:cool:
  12. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    b, yay for sleep! we went to bed early & ju slept thru the night so i had a good night too!:D have a great walk & mm'ing!
  13. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

    What a day yday! Never seems to go as I plan it! We ended up swimming at my grandma's pool with my mom at her condo community pool. Lots of fun & the big girls spent the night w. my mom & stepdad. I got a wicked headache & neck ache that made me want to cry. It was awful. Still tight so...
  14. chefkate

    clean & tidy & sweaty on a terrific tuesday

  15. chefkate

    Clean & Tidy Monday Monday

    Klaudia, Sorry for the bad eats... Those WOs sounds like a good plan! Becky, I may be a total dolt, but what is a bb?:o All I can think of is barbell!:p I love that WO - maybe I'll do that one today too!
  16. chefkate

    What if it's eating time and you aren't hungry?

    Nan, Tricia had good advice. I don't feel like I can give a thoughtful response but I just wanted to say I've definitely been there at dinnertime & you're not alone in feeling that way!
  17. chefkate

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    Ooh, have fun! Meso 2 is my favorite!
  18. chefkate

    Clean & Tidy Monday Monday

    Robin, if you worked 4-12 who would care for your kids while you are gone? Nina, So sorry for the blues. I've been there and its not fun. Try to do something nice for yourself today. BEcky, No sleep again? Yuck. Good luck with the WO. Maybe you can catch a nap later - We have no...
  19. chefkate

    Just ran the Go Girl 10K Trail Run!!!

    Congratulations! I don't enjoy running very much but I still think doing races is so much fun!
  20. chefkate

    @@@ C & T Wonderful Weekend @@@

    zzzzzzzzzzzzz What a busy day! I am EXHAUSTED! So glad I did my WO this mrning! Cause I would NOT have it in me to sweat like that tonight! Eats were pretty good today!:D Now I just have to avoid dessert in bed!:eek::eek: Robin, Did you do your WO or call it a rest day? Clintonya...