Search results

  1. RunninTeach

    GHD Straightener

    Wow, that is an awesome deal through Costco! I was reading that there are a lot of fakes out there, so be careful where you buy. GHD advises registering the serial # on their site to see whether or not it's a legitimate product.
  2. RunninTeach

    Computer help! (facial recognition and logging in)

    Facial recognition? Wow! Cool feature. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer, but I'll bump this. Good luck! Hope someone can help.
  3. RunninTeach

    GHD Straightener

    GAH! I think I'm gonna spring for one too. This site is dangerous! :p
  4. RunninTeach

    AMC's The Killing

    It airs Sunday nights @ 10 pm EST/9 C on AMC. I've heard it described as Twin Peaks meets 24. Here is the description from the website: "...tells the story of the murder of a young girl in Seattle and the subsequent police investigation. The Killing ties together three distinct...
  5. RunninTeach

    AMC's The Killing

    Anyone else watching this show? I'm obsessed!
  6. RunninTeach

    Technology question

    I know for Macs there is Snapz Pro X. I don't have any personal experience with it, so I'm not sure if it is compatible with PCs or not, too. I do know it's not free but that there is a free demo version. Hope that is somewhat helpful. Maybe someone out there knows a little more.
  7. RunninTeach

    Do you prefer downloads or physical DVDs?

    Excellent! This, to me, was the one limitation of the downloads—no premixes. While I have nothing against DVDs, I probably won't buy them anymore because the downloads serve my needs well enough. I can play them on the TV via Apple TV or sync them to my iPhone or iPad if I need to take...
  8. RunninTeach

    GHD Straightener

    Good question! I own a CHI and have been happy with it, but I have heard the GHD is even better in that it heats up faster and requires fewer passes through the hair. Neither one is cheap, but I have difficult hair and am often pressed for time, so it might just be worth it for me. Will be...
  9. RunninTeach

    Funny Things That Happen When Working Out

    With an audience of 105, I do believe you win! :D
  10. RunninTeach

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    Oh my goodness, how utterly heartbreaking. Thanks again for the rec, Elaine. I have no idea how this one flew under the radar.
  11. RunninTeach

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    Thanks for the heads up on this one, Elaine. Looks good. Rental's downloading.
  12. RunninTeach

    Funny Things That Happen When Working Out

    I have bounced off my BOSU a couple of times and almost went through the TV. :o Something else sort of embarrassing that happened last year, not during a WO but workout-related. I strained my trapezius and pinched a nerve—get this—just while putting on a sports bra. I could not move my neck...
  13. RunninTeach

    Ok Kettlebellers

    If the sweatbands are not enough, I have wrist guards from No Fear Fitness ($20) that work well.
  14. RunninTeach

    Styles and Fads from Decades gone by

    Ugh, the perms! And I used to tease my bangs and spray it in anticipation of category 5 winds. I don't think I did the blush thing, but I did line the rims of my eyelids with eyeliner. I was also very big into flavored lip glosses and balms. Remember Lip Lickers? The ones that came in the...
  15. RunninTeach

    Question about a Dr. Phil show

    I'd say he's Dr. Phil-of-Sh*t!
  16. RunninTeach


    I have them all except for Cardio Mat, but that's only a matter of time. I like these WOs a lot. I agree, Sylwia is positive, fit, pleasant—and her customer service is outstanding. I don't know if she still does this, but she used to respond to emails personally. Exactly as Westcoaster...
  17. RunninTeach

    I just LOVE finding good books

    Rjroubi, I don't know if it will influence your decision, but just a heads up, it's a young adult novel.
  18. RunninTeach

    I just LOVE finding good books

    Oh, believe me, I get it. I have the Kindle and an iPhone (as well as an iMac) and I am working out a way to justify a 2nd gen. iPad. :p There are just so many adults who read very little, if at all, these days that (for some) it's a foreign concept to imagine reading a dozen books in one...
  19. RunninTeach

    Yoga revisited

    Yeah, Yoga X drove me bonkers. I can only do 90 minutes if it's a live class. Glad you're enjoying Eion!
  20. RunninTeach

    Paying it forward

    Very cool...thanks for the link.