Will you be offering another discount bundle on the downloads once you release the workout blender? I know that there is the 50% off deal for buying 40 downloads, but I was wondering if you would like sell all for one price again like you did when the downloads first came out.
cammie pants and shorts
I'd like to see her sell the cammie pants and also I would like to see shorts in the same pattern that Cathe has on in the Texas road trip picture of her riding a horse. They are light brownish/gray cammie pants and she has a matching brownish/gray Cathlete shirt on.
Also, adjustable dumbells that increase by 1 pound. Maybe start at one pound and go to 15 pounds and then the next set starts at 15 pounds and increases by 5 pound increments.
I was wondering if it is possible to add into the nutrition manager name brand foods. Like if I ate one cup of fat-free hood cottage cheese. Also, to enter foods from restauraunts-like a lot of times I eat a subway roasted chicken breast salad with fat free dressing. If you added this, I would...
You know, it threw me off at first also in the STS DVD, I saw the guys using what looked like less weight. They had less weight on there barbell, but if you notice, they are using a heavier barbell. You can tell because it is more round than what the women are using and it is metal.
Yes, I agree!!! Please, Please, Please!!! Especially for post STS maintenance. I would love to be able to go onto the workout manager and click on one of cathe's other weight DVD's and be able to pull up a certain percent of my one rep max and print out a card.
I was wondering if you have any future plans for us to be able to print a workout card for all of Cathe's weight workouts? Especially for post STS maintenance. I thought that it would be nice if once we add a workout to the calendar, to be able to print a workout card with a certain percent of...
I would like to see a Cathe Magazine which has the same features as the website with success stories, fitness tips, DVD and download features. It would be great advertising for Cathe. You might recruit new Cathelites. I would like to see articles on sports nutrition and supplements. I don't...
I also do STS weights on consecutive days, I'm doing chest, shoulders, biceps disc on day 1, day 2 I do abs/core-several segments to add up to atleast 50 minutes, day 3-back and triceps disc and day 4-I'm doing legs disc.
I would like to see a go by for the STS strength. Like if Cathe were to post what her 1 rep max is on each exercise and say someone is 75% of what she is and using that as a go by. Or what the 1 rep max for beginner, intermediate and advanced would be etc.
I would like to see Cathe do similiar videos as Shaun T's insanity workout. I had to go away for 6 months, so I couldn't bring all of my equipment to do my Cathe DVD's and there was no gym around. The only place that I could workout was my hotel room and I had limited space. So unfortunately I...
I would like to see Cathe Clean Canteen or insulated water bottle. Maybe even Cathe Vites similiar to activite- vitamins for active people who exercise.
I second that idea!!! Like the Wieder or Bowflex adjustable dumbells. I like the fact that those can increase by 5 lb increments and go all the way up to 50 lbs. Perfect for STS strength.
I agree!!! Cathe should have her own fitness clothing line. I want to see spandex type-like what she wore in BM2 and LIC and that series. I know of course that was Nike, but I'd like to see Cathe design something similiar. I know Cathe wears yoga pants, but I would also like to see the style...