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  1. toughYrun

    Do you ever wonder...

    Yeah, the fence sitting irks me, especially because I personally have definitive opinions. I've never watched an entire Olberman or Maddow program, but I confess to being a Rush Limbaugh fan since the very beginning. I also occasionally watch O'Reilly and Beck. I tune in to these programs...
  2. toughYrun

    Do you ever wonder...

    My understanding is this: The supreme court decided in 1973 that a woman has a fundamental right to obtain an abortion and that a fetus is not protected under the constitution, therefore the practice cannot be outlawed. What Bush did do was to sign into law a ban on partial birth abortion...
  3. toughYrun

    "DC Sniper" should be dead in about an hour. Good.

    This is what I thought too. During that time my DH had to travel from our west coast home to DC for business. I was worried sick the entire time he was there. I just cannot imagine how it must have been for those who lived in that area and had to go on with their daily lives despite the fear...
  4. toughYrun

    H1N1 vaccine

    My daughter got the nasal mist and broke out with hives all over her torso. The rash didn't clear up for over a week. When I called the MD to report my daughter's reaction I was told that I am the only person who ever indicated a side effect from the vaccine and that I should just give her...
  5. toughYrun

    holloween damage?

    I had some Skittles, Milk Duds, a truffle, a mini Butterfinger and a couple Now and Laters. BUT! I ran ten miles yesterday morning, did some house work then went trick or treating with my DD and her friends in the evening. My GWF says I burned 3757 calories yesterday, so besides polluting...
  6. toughYrun

    The Having Kids Debate

    Clothesminded, Please don't discount the mark you are leaving on the world as a high school teacher. It takes a very, very special person to do that well. I have four awesome children, but one in particular is very demanding. He's a high school senior this year and three or four of the...
  7. toughYrun

    Anti-Gay Sentiment Surprise. An "Ugh" rant.

    I’ve got a couple of homosexual relatives that are both in long term, committed relationships. Barring the redefinition of marriage, I think the government should, at the very least, allow them to enter into civil unions so that they have the same protections under the law that heterosexual...
  8. toughYrun

    Runners - need opinion on PF

    I was (am?) a marathon runner and suffered from PF in my left foot so badly that I was out of commission for over a year. After undergoing all conventional therapies that a podiatrist administers, I ended up having surgery. It took almost a year to clear up, but I only feel the PF slightly in...
  9. toughYrun

    RIO WINS 2016 GAMES!

    I lifted this from a blog on National Review Online: Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics 10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings 9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal 8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to...
  10. toughYrun

    Mom ordered to stop babysitting friends' kids!

    That's nuts. The cynic in me says that the whole licensing arrangement is just some regressive tax scheme.
  11. toughYrun

    Shampoo/Cond for frizzy hair?

    I follow the curly girl method and so normally shy away from "cones". However, I recently purchased a bottle of Enjoy Hair and Skin Treatment Oil which contains at least two types of cones. So far I have had no problem with build up. This stuff is amazing! It works great, making my coarse...
  12. toughYrun

    diet strickness

    Kathryn, LOL!! While at the grocery store a few weeks ago, 7 year old DD asked me to buy her some Twinkies. I told her I would not, that Twinkies are not even food. Shortly thereafter she finished a 5K in the blazing heat. I was so proud of her and told her she deserved a reward. What...
  13. toughYrun

    So where are YOU located? :)

    I'm lucky to reside here on California's Beautiful Central Coast, which is without a doubt one of the most favorable climates to any outdoor activity.
  14. toughYrun

    Summer reading

    Nancy, Yes, the first three books are hilarious. The fourth is good enough, but not so much that it excuses purchasing it in hard back (as I did). I'm about 3/4 done and I've been enjoying it, but it doesn't quite stand up to the first 3.
  15. toughYrun

    Summer reading

    Also, for something on the light side, Jen Lancaster's books are laugh out loud funny. I've read her first three: Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office Bright...
  16. toughYrun

    Summer reading

    If you are at all interested in history/biography then I recommend The Knife Man by Wendy Moore. It's "the remarkable true story of John Hunter, a maverick surgeon who was as renowned and respected in Georgian England as he was feared and reviled."
  17. toughYrun

    What's your stage name?

    Since I am a girl I'll use out female dog's name: Trixie Lisle If I were a guy it would be either: Rex Lisle or Alfie Lisle
  18. toughYrun

    Doing what's best for the kids?

    You might get flamed, but it won't be from me. DH is my second husband. I have two kids from my first marriage and, if I knew now what I didn't know then, ex DH would have been my one and only husband. I was quite young though, and not yet so bright. My daughter is 7 and she's expressed...
  19. toughYrun

    I love my job!!

    She also took the words right out of my mouth. Except for the part about her childcare provider since mine are home with me. I'm good with my own kids, but can't handle those that are not mine. Hah! I just realized I LOVE my job! Too bad I don't get paid anything more than room and...