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  1. toughYrun

    Gowearfit/Boddy Bugg ?

    Well! I'm glad I posted this before I cancelled my subscription. I think I'll buy the display though since I'll be gone for 13 days, back home for one day and then off for another week of vacation. I find it a bit of a pain to load the data more than once a day and I'll bet that having...
  2. toughYrun

    Gowearfit/Boddy Bugg ?

    Baylian, Did you get the GWF or the Bodybug? I have the GWF and use their site to upload my data and to track my food. I'm thinking about not renewing the subscription to the GWF site and buying the display so that I can keep track while I am away for three weeks this summer. I'm...
  3. toughYrun

    Tollhouse cookie dough recall

    Well, this can be used to reinforce the idea that clean eating is the best way to go.
  4. toughYrun

    food chains having to post nutritional info

    I hope they have to post nutrition info becaue some menu items appear deceptively healthful. I have no idea how it will affect the general public, but it will help me with decisions when I have to eat out. Panera lists info on their menus and I consider almost everything on it a calorie splurge.
  5. toughYrun

    Do You Remember Your 1st Cathe Workout?

    IMAX 1. After reading reviews on I thought it sounded perfect. Yes, it is perfect, but the first time I tried it all I could pretty much do was stare at the TV screen asking myself "what the.....?".
  6. toughYrun

    Road ID

    I run with my cell phone and pepper spray ever since some guy in a truck seemed to be stalking me while I was out running a few weeks back. Since the cell phone not only has my name on it, but has my DH and DD both listed as emergency contacts I don't think I would need the RoadID.
  7. toughYrun

    My one year anniversary

    That's quite a story and I can't wait to read your book!