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  1. M

    Does being "almost 40" really have anything to do with it???

    Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with "almost being 40" since I just turned 43. I (used to ) love high intensity exercise, but due to some crap in my personal life, I fell of the exercise bandwagon 3 years ago. I recently lost about 10 lbs when I really started counting...
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    We are doing it all wrong!!

    Glad I'm not the only one with a dirty mind! ;D
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    Runners, training question for you

    Hmmm. My longest training run was 22 miles before my full marathon and I'm glad I did. Knowing I can run 22 miles helped me run the last 4.2. But, if I'd run the full 26 I may have said on race day "Why bother?" :D Finishing requires mental preparedness as well as physical.
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    Training in someone's home?

    Liberty - thanks for the insurance info. parkercp - The pay at big-chain gyms suck, which is one of the reasons I want to work for myself. It's a 70/30 split which is absurd. So, even if I only had half of the clients I had at the gym, I'd still be making more money working for myself...
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    Training in someone's home?

    Thank you all for your replies - these types of input was exactly what I was looking for. I am not going to advertise, only word-of-mouth, referrals from friends, etc. I There is liability insurance available for private trainers. I'm not sure how it applies to my personal residence...
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    Training in someone's home?

    I work for a large chain gym and I've been contemplating breaking out on my own, but am hesitant for various reasons. I was asked by two of my long-term clients if I'd be open to training them privately. It would make more sense to train them in my home as opposed to theirs since I have the...
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    Wow, I just had the most unpleasant conversation

    >>>>So after his 5th or 6th mention of his NSAM cert & how it's the highest level cert & there was nothing he could learn beyond it, I said actually it's NASM, not NSAM. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! This just cracked me up!!! What a FOOL!
  8. M

    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    I felt sorry for her at first, too, but I snapped out of it. You're right - I think it was a ploy for sympathy. And, IMO what happened to you in the past is no excuse for treating people like crap. I hate that BS cop out "well, I was abused as a child . . . " Yeah, so??!! So were TONS...
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    for those that eat 3 meals a day

    I eat a lot of egg whites when I'm trying to lose. This sample is equal to about 1200-1300 calories. Breakfast (one of the following): 5 egg whites omelet w/salsa oatmeal 3 egg white fried with Pam on one slice of toast Lunch: Grilled Chicken breast + some fruit or veggies (DH...
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    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    Liann - thanks for that link?
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    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    I'm looking forward to tonight. I didn't think Tuesday's was so "explosive". I just wonder what happened behind the scenes to make Caroline hate Danielle so much. And, "no plastic surgery except for my lips and botox"? Puleeze.
  12. M

    food chains having to post nutritional info

    My non-scientific, personal experience bolsters this "ignorance is bliss" mantra that many people have. And, then, these same people wonder why they're gaining weight . . .
  13. M

    food chains having to post nutritional info

    You and I may know whether it's healthy or not, but many people don't. Many people still don't know that the "Filet o'fish" sandwich at McDonald's is not any healthier or less fattening than a Big Mac. I consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable and I had a feeling that the breakfast...
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    DH of NJ

    I can't believe I'm watching this show either!!!!! This is my first "Housewives" series after reading about this show in the Los Angeles Times. I just love Teresa. She is such an airhead (but, WOW did she go off on Danielle!!!). She seems like she doesn't rub her wealth in people's faces...
  15. M

    Can anyone do Powermax on 8" step?

    I'm only 5'3" and I can do it on 8", but I believe that PowerMax is the last "slower" of Cathe's cardio step. The ones which came after have a faster BPM - at least, that's how it feels to me. ETA: I LOVE PowerMax!!!
  16. M

    lift heavy for legs to shrink?

    My advice to you is to find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, keep around 500 calories deficit every day, 2-300 through diet and the rest through exercise, vice versa. You will steadily drop 1 lb of fat per week. You cannot control where your bodyfat comes from...
  17. M

    Interesting article on fat loss

    I asked this question to an exercise physiologist and he replied that the reason for that exaggerated, higher number for muscle burning calories was that muscle alone was not separated from other non-fat tissue. The majority of our caloric burn comes from just being alive (our BMR). For...
  18. M

    Anyone use Alli? (Melanie the pharmacist... need your thoughts too!)

    You should not EAT less than your BMR. It's what your body needs just to sustain "life" so-to-speak. It doesn't include your daily activities. I don't see a difference between Basal Metabolic Rate and Resting Metabolic Rate. It seems the two mean the same thing - your metabolic rate when...
  19. M

    advice please on weight-loss plateau?

    >>>>And I eat fairly clean. Hi Mary! Our stats are very similar! I will be 43 in July and I'm about 5'3" on a tall day. Are you counting your calories? I mean, really, really counting them? How many calories are you eating? Do you know how many you SHOULD be eating to lose...
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    Anyone use Alli? (Melanie the pharmacist... need your thoughts too!)

    This is a bit off-topic, but 1200 is NOT too low, depending on how "big" you are and if you're eating the correct foods. I am 5'3", currently 128 lbs and about 28% bodyfat. I am trying to get down to 24% and get down to about 120, but that number on the scale is not important. I am...