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  1. M

    My DD may have scoliosis - anyone dealing with this?

    During a routine physical, her ped noticed that one of her shoulders were lower than the other and has ordered xrays for this Saturday. My dd copes with severe food allergies and I just want to weep that something ELSE has been thrown across my athletic and spirited little girl . . . *sigh*
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    I'm gonna have to chime in here with the 40+ crowd - I will be 45 in July and have the bodyfat % lower than when I was in my 20s. For me the change I needed was heavier weights, more protein and shorter runs (30-40 mins rather than 60) less frequently. However, I DID count calories when...
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    Cancun Mexico advice?

    We went 4 years ago and LOVED it. The color of the water in Tulum is unbelievable. Like an aquamarine. Sounds like a lot of changes in 4 years so can't advise on the hotels, but BE AWARE OF TIMESHARE PRESENTERS!!!! They will swarm you at the airport and pretend to be reps of hotels, but...
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    At What Age Should I Have "The Talk" With My Daughters?

    I wish this was untrue, but . . . : The teacher claims he was not involved, but SERIOUSLY!!!!!?????????? It wasn't just ONE student. Several were involved. You can't tell me that several EIGHT year olds...
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    At What Age Should I Have "The Talk" With My Daughters?

    First of all, your deacon is an ass. How dare he decide that HE should dictate what your children hear or not hear. We visited our sister church and the pastor said in his sermon that there was no Santa. My children believed in Santa at that point and I was LIVID. Anwyay, remember that...
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    GO PACK GO!!!

    Go PACKERS!!!!! (though, I do love Polamalu - what an athlete!! And that Head & Shoulders commercial!!!)
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    What's your motivation/matra?

    "You will never regret exercising, but always regret NOT exercising." "Now, isn't this better than dieting?" - this one makes me giggle. "Do or Do Not. There is no Try." - Master Yoda
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    Think you know your Microsoft?

    Katerchen - This is totally thread hijack, but I felt compelled to reply to your post! I encourage you to get your undergrad degree. It really will be worthwhile. You will have a tougher time without it. I was a SAHM for almost 13 years before going back into the workforce. I found that...
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    Washing hair twice a day, is it OK?

    Heh, how funny, I'm trying to longer between shampoos. Based on all that I've read, it's bad for your hair to shampoo it every day, so 2X would be even worse. If you can find a shampoo witout sulfites (?) it may be better, but the chemicals in your average shampoos are very drying to your...
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    Possible approval of weight loss drug - is my math correct? "After 56 weeks, only about half (870) of the more than 1,700 participants initially enrolled remained in the study. Almost half (48 percent) of those who took the highest dose of...
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    Where can I buy the gliding discs?

    Yep, I use the furniture movers - can't say they're exactly the same since I haven't seen the Valsides in person, but I can't imagine they would be very different, if at all.
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    Gayle - I got the egg cooker last night and I am absolutely in LOVE!!!! The shells just peel right off!!! Thank you for linking this!! I am so grateful!
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    Gayle! Thank you so much for the link to tha gadget! I HATE cold hard-boiled eggs, but love them when they're still warm. So, this would be perfect! I guess i'll just have to be careful bringing raw eggs to work.
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    Things a burglar won't tell you

    Thank you!! i love the tip regarding using your car alarm!! I'm going to keep the spare key on my nightstand - But, this made me LOL >>>3. Love those flowers. That tells me you have taste... and taste means there are nice things inside. Those yard toys your kids leave out always make me...
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    My 12 year old son

    That's great that you're spending time with your son, but is 12 years old enough to start heavy weight-training? 1RM uses requires very heavy weights. I tried looking up information for my 13-year old son, but the general concensus seems to promote exercises using his own body-weight, such...
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    Fitness article

    Great article - I try to instill in my 11 year old daughter how proud she should be of her muscular thighs (inherited from mommy) and her ability to do the most push-ups in her class - beats the top boy by a large margin! I want to do everything I can to save her from comparing herself to the...
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    Beware of new computer virus using FedX in the subject line

    DHL, too! My virus software detected it and dumped it, thankfully.
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    foam rollers

    I got mine from and use the 3' dark grey one. The white ones "dent" too easily. The dark grey one is firmer, so it will last longer. However, the caveat is the firmer the foam, the more painful! Mine came with a DVD. Foam rollers are not used for actual exercise...
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    foam rollers

    ha! I got mine 4 weeks ago and have used it exactly TWICE! But, I am telling you, the foam roller gets muscles that you didn't even KNOW were tight!! I am having shin pain when I run that I have never ever had before and rolling them last night before my run eliminated the pain...
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    Running obstacle (AGAIN with the running!!)

    Stephanie - When started re-running about 14 years ago, it was after my first child and I was 25+ overweight. I ran SLOOOOOOOOOOOWLY, i think 15 minute miles. I was SOO self-conscious because I had never been so overweight before. I thought everyone was looking at me and laughing. But...