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  1. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Judi, IIRC when I used to do Lauren's w/o and add the chins I would do them for the first several rounds and then I'd start to poop out. But it makes for a good w/o :p I've had a rough week. Headaches, dizzy spells and the back/leg acting up. I ask myself when is it gonna end,.... I know...
  2. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Judi, thank you so much for your kind supportive words. They mean a lot to me. Today's been a not so good day :confused: Lots of pain starting early in the day. Makes it hard to keep going at work. Believe it or not the people I work with have no clue how I feel. You'd think they'd see it...
  3. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Just did my walk for the day. I look forward to the day when I can report something other than a casual walk!! How's everyone else doing today?
  4. fit_fairy

    Having a rough day . . .

    I am so sorry you are having to go through this :(
  5. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Judi, I have to wonder how your SIL will do with the trip from TX to MN. When was her surgery? I could easily sit in a recliner every day and hurt less. I still have pain every day. But I do tolerate doing more because I am moving. Sucks but it's what I must do. Yay for your daughter's...
  6. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Went for a short walk this morning. I need to go again esp the way I've been eating. How's the weekend going for everyone? Linda, I am worried about you. Come out come out where ever you are.
  7. fit_fairy

    Name Hang-ups

    Our "Granny" was very feisty like Granny Clampet. That's exactly why we called her that :D
  8. fit_fairy

    Name Hang-ups

    Well one was Mam-Maw and the other was Granny. Neither very endearing nick names but they were loved none the less ;)
  9. fit_fairy

    Is anyone else a bit disturbed by VW's ads?

    Yes, and that's what made it all the more fun when I was a kid. Because the person sitting next to me was always my one of my brothers or sisters and it gave me a "valid" excuse to punch them:D Slug bug is what we called it. And there was a VW dealership that we would drive by occasionally...
  10. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Judi, those sound like some good workouts. It's all about changing it up, right? Don't forget to add in your chinups and pullups. You don't want to lose your momentum ;) Thanks for your encouraging words. Actually going to work is good for me. It keeps me moving and it keeps me distracted-...
  11. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Just busy busy busy at work. I am working full days now but not exactly a full schedule (but almost). I am wore out and in pain when I get done with the day. I have to keep reminding myself that not so long ago I wasn't toleratine working till noon then...
  12. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Judi, :eek::eek::eek: nice job on the chinups!!! Have a wonderful weekend at the cabin. Linda, how are ya girl? Did your tummy ever settle down? I had another massage this morning with lots of work on neck and shoulders (very much needed) and gentle low back stuff. I think I'm gonna try...
  13. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Well my eating has been better this week overall. That's been the only positive thing about it. Linda, how is the shoulder after the injection? Judi, are you heading to the cabin this weekend?
  14. fit_fairy

    We're in this together

    Hello ladies. I wish I had something to report w/o wise but I've been walking only short distances. Still flare if I walk long. I'm pretty much exhausted today. Trying to watch my eating, again :confused: It's like I start eating better and a couple of days later it all goes to hell in a...
  15. fit_fairy

    Getting turned off

    Amen to that sista!! I don't want Cathe postage stamps but I could concieve of others wanting them. People have requested all kinds of Cathe memoriabilia (did I spell that right?) around here. Now that's she's doing it she is being criticized. I am not referring to any one particular post...
  16. fit_fairy

    My posts were deleted and I was threatened to be banned from the forum!

    I read Wendyloo's post and it seemed intentionally disrespectful to Cathe and her fans :confused:
  17. fit_fairy

    <--Where have all the cowboys gone

    <--waves Howdy to Ms Carrie <--is off to beddie bye now ;)