Search results

  1. M

    Bootcamp 2, I also agree

    I would love for cathe to make another bootcamp workout too, but this time have it arrange into intervals. Now that would be very exciting. Because right now when I try to do the cardio premix, I have to always (let put emphasis on ALWAYS), hit the pause button so I can take a rest. "Bootcamp"...
  2. M

    Need a interval workout, without use of a step

    I'm not a big fan of steps, and I was looking for a interval workout that don't require you to use a step all the time. I have bootcamp and cardio kick already and love them. I wish cathe would make another workout like bootcamp, but have it arrange into intervals. She might have one similar...
  3. M

    "Help Cathe" I need a rotation

    Hi Cathe I will be married 17 years April 16th, and I really need to lose 15 to 20lbs by then. Can you help me get a rotation together? I am new to this thing concerning rotations. I have three of your dvd (bootcamp, cardio kicks, and the new hardcore extreme). I know that I need to eat a...
  4. M

    Question for "Cathe" concerning my abs

    RE: Question for Cathe, You just don't know how I appreciate you for your honesty. But you look so, so good. I guess when get down to weight I want, I will have to get my tummy tuck. I'm only 5'3 and my two babies weighed over 81/2 lbs my last one was 9lbs. My stomach could only stretch so...
  5. M

    Question for "Cathe" concerning my abs

    Hi Cathe I'm new to your forum, I have recieve a couple of dvd and really like the way you workout. As a matter of fact, I consider you the best. But I have a question for you. I will be 42 in a month and have three childrens. After my first child, I got with pregnant again when my baby was...