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  1. dorothyrd

    Ever try a front body/back body split?

    The only problem I have with this is that the opposing muscles are worked. So if you are working your biceps, your triceps are contracting eccentrically, and then concentrically when you release the bicep move. Same with any of the muscles. When I have done Cathe's work-outs that are set...
  2. dorothyrd

    Low Max AKA Spagetti Legs!

    That sounds fun!
  3. dorothyrd

    Running burns more calories than Cathe? Seriously?

    Don't give up step entirely, because you love it, but substitute running on a couple of days. Cross training is always good, and may be enough to surprise your body and let go those last few pounds.
  4. dorothyrd

    My first 'official" 5K walk...hmmm

    Kathyrn, the Women's Fitness 5k run/walk is a good one to enter and it is in Urbana on September 26th. It is for places, but I actually think you would place. Google Second Wind Running Club if you want to see previous placements. This event is for women only, and it is a fun time and a nice...
  5. dorothyrd

    Who has a GPS recommendation?

    Dang, we had the same thing going to Tennessee, only I used a map and got around it!
  6. dorothyrd

    Warning: Political Topic-possibility of controversy

    Tami, there are surely better sources than the youtube video to inform you as the above poster has said. The very things she sites that are being said about Obama were said about Busch when he was president as well, so it goes both ways, and it really seems to be getting worse and worse...
  7. dorothyrd

    Warning: Political Topic-possibility of controversy

    See, this is how view points skew. My viewpoint of CNN is very different than Laura's, because I find it way slanted, and to the left. However, she dislikes Fox news, and finds it way slanted and to the right. I did not watch this 2 hour thing, it is probably very slanted and biased and...
  8. dorothyrd

    Can anyone explain these pants to me?

    This reminds me of the sort of things I see dancers wear, shorts with capri's, skirts with capris.
  9. dorothyrd

    City of Los Angeles Paying for Jackson Memorial Service?

    And next to California, Illinois is the most broke state. Third year in a budget.
  10. dorothyrd

    Cap and Trade

    A flat tax % would have the wealthier paying more because a % of their income is more than a % of a poorer person. I think Baylian's point is that we should not have income based tax brackets. The problem with this bill is smashing into place something that financially, we are not ready for...
  11. dorothyrd

    Cap and Trade

    Someone said earlier that this was in the bill, but was removed before it was passed, which was good. However, it bothers me that someone thought it was a good idea to put in. Shows that lots of lawmakers do not know what it is like to live in the real world.
  12. dorothyrd

    Sigh - my poor dog

    Really? I will have to ask my vet about this. Especially since the rain may cause this cracking and popping to extend a few more days.
  13. dorothyrd

    Sigh - my poor dog

    My cat does not seem to be bothered, but he is only 1 year old. Rosie was not bothered until a few years ago. She is 11 now.
  14. dorothyrd

    Sigh - my poor dog

    Hates all these fireworks. She is hiding in her bed, very sad.
  15. dorothyrd

    Cap and Trade

  16. dorothyrd

    Cap and Trade

    Reducing emissions is not a bad goal. Visiting the Smokey's last week showed that acid rain has in part killed all the Frasier Firs in the upper elevations....a sad sight. However, if you are set on alternate energy, it has to be affordably available. Nuclear energy is, as sited in...
  17. dorothyrd

    ipod nano vs shuffle

    I had a Nano, but I got a Touch and I love the Touch. Between Nano and Shuffle, definately Nano, but if money is no object, get the Touch.
  18. dorothyrd

    I'm trying contacts for the 1st time ever--help!

    I wear daily disposables, and like them a lot. If you have never worn them, your eyes need an adjustment period. If it does not get better, try a different type. You don't mention what type you have, gas permeable, soft, disposables? The adjustment period varies depending on the lens.