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  1. Dela

    XTrain Question

    I'm curious about the set with or without Ride too, I hope that is an option.
  2. Dela

    Info on 10 new workouts

    Cathe weight workouts are my favorites, thank you thank you for doing another series more focused on weights!!!!! ETA: I'm very excited to check out Hard Strikes too.
  3. Dela

    Our new Workout Interval Timer

    That's pretty cool, I'm going to go see if this works on my phone.
  4. Dela

    Need Advise from Cathlete's HELP!!

    This is just an observation, not really based on personal experience, I'm currently trying to figure out how to lose weight for me too, it has always been a struggle for me, but I noticed your diet appears to be VERY low in fat other than the eggs, that article mentioned that low fat diets can...
  5. Dela

    Cardio Karate 14 DVD Set

    Total video fitness has clips up for all the dvds in the set. I don't think this one is for me, but this is one of those sets I think people will be very hot or cold about. If the price ever comes down, I may reconsider. Cardio Karate 14 DVD Set
  6. Dela

    Memorable lines said by an instructor

    "Anybody can quit.... don't be an anybody!" Kelly Coffee Meyers, not sure which DVD, possibly Powersculpt.
  7. Dela

    Am I being too cheap?

    Tough one, but you need to bring it up, ask her maybe if the numbers were miscalculated, it does not make sense at all. Here's an article on on daycare costs I found, monthly costs vary greatly depending on where you live, but maybe this will give you a sense of what is reasonable and help...
  8. Dela

    Help: Any ex-slim/thin/skinny gal out there ???

    I don't have a personal story to share, but you could try googling diet and exercise for the ectomorph body type. You sound like a classic ectomorph body type, likely you'll find the suggestions lean towards increased calorie intake and a focus on strength training workouts while limiting your...
  9. Dela

    How many step risers do you own?

    I have 10, and the high step topper, but I don't recall ever using more than 4 on either side of my large step except maybe to use as a bench, but that's totally not necessary, 4 each side is fine, I also have used 5 with the high step.
  10. Dela

    Who celebrates Valentines Day?

    Nope nothing. Like others above, we do not make a big deal out of celebrating events, anniversary is usually a dinner, and because it falls at a good time, we almost always take a vacation around our birthdays (a few days apart) and consider that the "gift". But we never buy gifts for each other.
  11. Dela

    Les Mills Pump...any more reviews??

    Update: 2 more dvds done: This morning I did Pump and Burn the 30 minute dvd and Sports Attack also 30 minutes. So Pump and Burn was a good and sweaty workout focusing on the larger muscle groups in order to get a good workout in, in 30 minutes. The intensity sort of varies depending on the...
  12. Dela

    Fit Bit

    Does it track anything other than steps? If I do a weight workout, will that register as workout? And does it track calories burned? I had a gowearfit which was great, but I could no longer stand wearing that giant thing on my arm so gave up on it, otherwise it was so convenient though, it...
  13. Dela

    Circuit Blast, MMA series Opinions?

    Not really answering your question, but do you have Cardio Core Circuit, that one is Tough! It's like HIIT and Circuit combined, come to think of it, I think I need to do this one again, it's been forever since I have. The MMA's, I can see why on the mixed reviews, I think people were...
  14. Dela

    How did you start working out?

    When I finally decided to workout for real (aka, not just walk on a treadmill for a couple week then lose interest) I just committed and signed up to work with a trainer for at first 20 sessions, then stayed with him for over a year, took a break, then finished out year 2 with him. I found for...
  15. Dela

    Les Mills Pump...any more reviews??

    I just got my set plus the cardio, I have not done much yet, so my opinions are limited. I actually really like the barbell, padding it was a great idea, and although I have other bars, I'm enjoying the padding a lot. I only did the beginning dvd to get a feel and don't see any reason to...
  16. Dela

    Coconut Oil

    It appears the original studies focused on Partially hydrogenated coconut oil, which likely is terrible for you, but I believe most people are selling and buying the Virgin coconut oil and I'm unclear the stance on the virgin oil from these comments. I have a hard time taking the governments...
  17. Dela

    Insanity workout

    I think you'll find some very varying opinions on this one. Unlike nkhansen1, I did not think this was fun at all, I found it tedious and boring, that combined with how hard it was, there was just no enjoyment in this for me. I have heard of a lot of guys who got great results with this, and I...
  18. Dela

    Frustrating Situation Tonight at Mentor Meeting

    She sounds like an idiot. Hard to ignore when someone singles you out like that, but seriously, she has issues, why would she care if you give some friendly advice on where to park?? That's just odd.
  19. Dela

    KCM's Stepboxing--so disappointed!

    Oh, didn't realize the new Susan one is that short. I haven't had as much of a burning desire to buy EVERYTHING I hear about lately, will wait on this one too until those feeling start bubbling up again I guess. I started taking a class at the gym 3 days a week, and that combined with what I...
  20. Dela

    KCM's Stepboxing--so disappointed!

    I'm not a step fan, but bought KCM step boxing anyway, I couldn't get into it, but I should have known better, I do think there is a premix with weights or something I would still like to try. Maybe I can find something better for me in on of the mixes. This is my first look at Susan Chungs...