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  1. TexasLaura

    Count Down - Front and Center

    YEAH we are!!! (all 100+ of us imaginary friends!!) BTW, anyone know how many of us will be at the Disney RT?
  2. TexasLaura

    $8,365; Anyone still debating a Road Trip or pre-ordering the new series?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ought to help you "off the fence". (I'm actually bringing this up again--I posted it once several months ago but thought it might help someone convince a significant other, or herself, that the expense is...
  3. TexasLaura

    Has anyone gotten a bigger butt from their lower body workouts?

    STS has made my butt bigger----but in a great way! (I had very little butt to speak of before so I am happy to have a bit of "junk in my trunk!!!)
  4. TexasLaura

    What gives you the best arms?

    Me too! Loving STS!
  5. TexasLaura

    Creative Outlets-whats yours?

    I LOVE to play the piano and read. Not a lot of time for those, unfortunately.