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  1. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon., May 19th

    Totally changed my mind and did Coremax 2 and then Stepblast--first two combos then the challenge. I REALLY didn't feel like doing any cardio but once I got going I was having fun. Randi- your cruise looks like it was wonderful. Nice pics. Maeghan AKA megadoo...
  2. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon., May 19th

    Good morning. I think I might be doing Legs and Glutes today and some TM. My biceps are still a little sore. I need to get some breakfast. Gotta get in what I can this week. We are leaving Thur afternoon for camp till Sunday. Prob wont' be doing any WO's up there. Going to bring some healthy...
  3. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday May 18

    Hello. What a crappy rainy day for my day off. Oh well. Went and got some of my flowers. My Biceps are VERY sore from yesterday. I haven't had DOMS in my biceps in awhile. I like it. lol Not sure what WO I will do. Prob a steady state something on the TM. Suz--thank you so much for waht...
  4. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday May 17

    Just tacked on a 25 min (plus CD) interval run on the TM. 2.5% incline, travelled 2.1 miles. Did 2 min running, 1 min walk, 3 min run, 2 min walk pattern then finished with a 4 min run. Rocked out to my playlist on my Ipod. I feel FANTASTIC!!! Maeghan AKA megadoo...
  5. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday May 17

    I just completed the UB from Power Hour. My legs are too sore to work them with weights. But I am gonna hop on the TM for a little bit. Gotta hurry cuz I have a crazy night at work tonight and I need to get ready. Hope you all enjoy this day!! Maeghan AKA megadoo...
  6. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday May 16

    Whoo DVD player is still on the fritz, so I did LowMax. My legs are fried. Didn't realize just how sore they were to begin with lol. Gonna feel good waitressing on these poor legs all night tonight haha!! Then I did abs from Power Hour. Great WO. I feel good, but I am starving...
  7. megadoo

    <--but can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire b...

    <-- has always been a night owl <--hates getting up so early tho...very not pleasant in the morning <--is just used to it especailly with working at night now <--will hopefully have a normal day job within the next few months Maeghan AKA megadoo ~*~new...
  8. megadoo

    <--but can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire b...

    RE: <--but can a bee be said to be or not to be an enti... <--double back flips in to wave wildly at Deb!!! <--thinks it's fannytastic to see her this morning <--is sore from <--wo, and tired from late night at work <--has another late night tonight <--has another REALLY late night...
  9. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday May 16

    Good Morning!!! Boy, am I feeling DOMS all over! It feels soooo good. My chest is really feeling it, and I didn't even do any pusshups! hehe. I really was starting to get sore last night at work. My BF was laughing at me when I reached for something and said my butt hurt lol. But he is so...
  10. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday May 15

    Lora- I would def be interested in taking a look at it. I need to drop 10 pounds that I have gained. I still have alot of my strength, just have a few extra jigglies where I didn't before. Gotta get back to that. I still want to do the X, but I hate how right now I feel, "Ok, worked my arms, but...
  11. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday May 15

    I kinda feel like a dummy right now. I bought P90x and I do love it, good WOs, but I feel SO great after doing a full body. Since I am not in as good as shape as before, I feel alot better doing full body. I think I could whip myself back into shape faster doing the full body a couple times a...
  12. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thursday May 15

    Hey everyone. Feeling pretty good some sleep. I went to do my P90x WO, but my DVD player is not working. So I did Push-Pull (Cathe's) that I had DVR'd a while ago. I had a really good WO. Added some oblique work. THen tried to jump on the TM for a bit, but got 5 min in and it started...
  13. megadoo

    <--don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running o...

    <--sends Stephanie's hubby some good luck vibes also <--forgot to mention that the boys each got <--the MOST beautiful necklaces that say "mom" <--is impressed with the kiddos lol!! Maeghan AKA megadoo ~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~...
  14. megadoo

    <--don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running o...

    <--waves good morning <--is sending good luck vibes to Liann's hubby <--is thankful Lorie's injury isn't so bad <--asks Robin "Cathe and Deb REALLY were in Fitness? <--had NOOOO idea!" <--thinks a blackberry compliments Nancy wonderfully! lol <--would love to have a cocktail on Fri with...
  15. megadoo

    <--all the lights are changing green to red...

    <--is finding this lawn fiasco very humorous hehe <--adds, maybe not funny, but the explanations and ideas are! <--tells Beavs that <--would LOVE to do TFD or AFD, but that would require <--to move to the city, and <--is NOT a city girl <--thinks it is a bit annoying that you have to live in...
  16. megadoo

    Happy Birthday Michele (mf545)

    I hope you have the most splendid deserve it!!!! Maeghan AKA megadoo ~*~new pics added in RECENT album~*~ ~AGAIN~ 5/7/08
  17. megadoo

    <--all the lights are changing green to red...

    <--waves GM <--is tired usual lol <--had a nice evening last nght, but back to work tonight BLAH <--doesn't wanna work anymore <--is done with the pity party <--is happy to hear Liann's snakes made it to their destination <--is super excited for Phyllis' trip and anticipates...
  18. megadoo

    <--- I believe I can see the future...

    <---LOVES the shirt Catherine <--wants to know where she is gonna get it from!!!!! <--was laughing....out the panty rant! <--remembers those rants and limited maternity clothes <--thinks Liann's neighbor needs some serious slappin' <--doesn't mean to sound violent,,but com'on...
  19. megadoo

    <--- I believe I can see the future...

    <--:7 :7 :7 baggy butts:7 :7 :7 <--thinks Robin's glasswear washing job sounds pretty ;( x( :( <--hopes it doesn't last too long <--sighs, like there isn't enough washing to do at home..... <--has somewhat finished boys room and changed the curtains in the house, and showered <--severly...
  20. megadoo

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed May 7

    Charlotte, you are a maniac lol.....great job. Enjoy your high! Just got back from our walk. It is just over 4miles, and we take an hour. Next week we are shaving time off to get down to 45 min. And on the weekends, or when ever we don't have the kids with us, we are running which I love...