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  1. G

    <--- Do you want fries with that?

    <--- no longer feels bad <--- had yummy turkey on wheat pita and big fat apple, but sadly was also lacking chocolate <--- hugs to Robin and everyone else :7 <--- tells Jes GO FOR IT <--- had long hair and got it cut short 3 years ago...didn't regret it one bit <--- thinks the Debster is...
  2. G

    <--- Do you want fries with that?

    <--- walks in thread on one foot, cuz other is in mouth <--- no, no, no...never, never never would <--- aim that comment here <---'s comment was aimed at all the morons at work that I have to deal with <--- feels bad x( <--- takes foot out of mouth to go to lunch <--- say's in best...
  3. G

    IMAX 3

    There is no way I could do it on 8". I am 5'2" and would probably kill myself :7 I tried Imax 2 on 8" and thought I was going to die. DH pretty much had to pick me up off the floor when I was done :P Now the only Cathe that I do on 8" are the older (Step Works, Step Heat, etc.) cardio workouts :-)
  4. G

    6" or 8" for Step Blast?

    RE: 6 Thanks guys! I actually gave it some thought and decided to do it on 6" the first time. I watched the workout before I did it and with all the turns, etc. I thought it would be safer. I am 5'2", so my ability to trip over the step tends to be a lot greater. That being said...I LOVED...
  5. G

    <--- Do you want fries with that?

    <--- sending good vibes to Autumn and DH...all will be well <--- glad to hear Pinky's toe is better <--- did SB on 6" for fear of flying off the step and into the fireplace :P <--- will try 8" next time <--- has been dealing with quite possibly some of the dumbest people at work this...
  6. G

    <--- Do you want fries with that?

    <--- glad Robin feels better and lets her know always ok to vent <--- hopes Shellys day at work is better <--- hopes Rogue doesn't throw out a hip doin the hula <--- is planning trip to Hawaii next year, so can't wait to hear all about it <--- also disappointed that booger flinging must end...
  7. G

    6" or 8" for Step Blast?

    Just got Step Blast in today. I have Rhythmic Step and do it on an 8" step. The only other Cathe that I dare do on 8" is Low Max. So, my question is, since it's my first time which one does the educated crowd suggest? TIA
  8. G


    <--- hopes Pinky is ok <--- pain in foot is better than pain in a$$ <--- actually broke big toe this summer, so can empathize <--- despite broken toe is doing happy dance that Step Blast came today <--- hugged mailman that brought it...known him for years <--- can't wait to do Step Blast...
  9. G


    <--- swings in thread on trapeze and does a triple somersault <--- tells Super Debbie...awwwww...that's ok <--- tells Mama Debbie sending hugs in advance your way for Friday <--- tells Sandy to take an asprin and two shots of whiskey and you'll feel much better, only cuz after two shots you...